John Ramer is a Co-Founder of Ideal Network.[1] Ideal Network is a site for group buying which connects people with non-profits and local merchants. He is also the Community Organizer at Compassionate Action Network.

Country: USA
Email: jramer [at]
Facebook:    Jon Ramer
LinkedIn:    Jon Ramer

Before Ideal Network, Jon Co-founded and worked as an Executive Director at the Interra Project, a website very similar to the Ideal Network.[2]

Jon is also a Member of Wiser Earth,[3] Organizers' Collaborative,[4] Four Worlds International Institute,[5] Community Engagement at Social Profits,[6] Peace and Collaborative Development Network,[7] Child Rights in Practice[8] and the Interfaith Project.[9]

Ramer has also obtained his license for, a movement that focuses on finding creative ways to get around.[10]

Career History

  • Executive Director at Compassionate Action Network[11]
  • Founder at
  • Co-Founder at ELF Technologies
