Noor Iza has been the General Manager for e-Business Technology and Infrastructure for the Indonesian government since 2009. In that role, he develops and implements policies and regulations that help facilitate positive use of the internet, and his specialties include topics of electronic commerce, domain names, electronic transactions, and internet security.[1][2]

Country: Indonesia
Email: nzanzaus [at]
LinkedIn:    Noor Iza

He is also involved with ICANN through the GAC.[2]

As of ICANN 51 in Los Angeles, Iza had attended more than two ICANN Meetings, as well as IGF, WSIS, and APEC.[2]


  1. Noor Iza,
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 ICANN 51 Intake Form. Retrieved 2014 November 2.