Rajeewa Abeygunarathna

Rajeewa Abeygunarathna is presently working as a Operations Manager at, Lanka Education and Research Network [1](LEARN) located at Information Technology Center, University of Peradeniya. (www.learn.ac.lk). He is also participate [2]APAN 33 conference held in ChiangMai, Thailand as a fellow in year 2012. With that experience he used on organise the APAN 34 conference held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Country: Sri Lanka
Email: torajee[at]gmail.com
Facebook:    Rajeewa Abeygunarathna
LinkedIn:    Rajeewa Abeygunarathna
Twitter:    @toraj

Rajeewa is one of the key person who organised the [3]SANOG 25 & ION Sri Lanka in year 2015, hosted by Lanka Education and Research Network. He is also participate [4]APRICOT 2015 in Fukuoka, Japan as a conference fellow.

ICANN 55 in Marrakech, Morocco was Abeygunarathna's first ICANN Meeting, where he was also an ICANN Fellow.[5][6]

Career History

Worked as a Systems Engineer / Operations Manager, Lanka Education and Research Network (National Research and Education Network of Sri Lanka - (November 2009, October 2010). He also worked as a Network Assistant in the Network Operation Center, University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC).


  • Internet Society, Sri Lanka Chapter
  • Member of British computer Society (MBCS)


  1. LEARN
  2. APAN 33
  3. SANOG 25
  4. APRICOT 2015
  5. ICANNWiki - ICANN 55 Intake Form, 2016 March.
  6. ICANN 55, ICANN.org.