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A. Michael Froomkin is a Professor at the University of Miami School of Law in Coral Gables, Florida. He currently teaches Internet Law, Jurisprudence, Administrative Law and Tort. Previously he has taught Constitutional Law, Trademark, Civil Procedure I, and seminars in Law & Games and E-Commerce.<ref>[ University of Miami]</ref> He is the Founder & Editor in Chief of [ Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)] cofounder and editor of [[ICANNWatch]], and serves on the Editorial Board of [ Information, Communication & Society (iCS)] and [ I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society]. He is Non-Resident fellow of [ Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)] and [ Yale Law School Information Society Project (Yale ISP)] and [ Advisor of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)] and Experts Network,[ Institute for the Study of Information Technology and Society (InSITeS)].   
A. Michael Froomkin is a Professor at the University of Miami School of Law in Coral Gables, Florida. He currently teaches Internet Law, Jurisprudence, Administrative Law and Tort. Previously he has taught Constitutional Law, Trademark, Civil Procedure I, and seminars in Law & Games and E-Commerce.<ref>[ University of Miami]</ref> He is the Founder & Editor in Chief of [ Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)] cofounder and editor of [[ICANNWatch]], and serves on the Editorial Board of [ Information, Communication & Society (iCS)] and [ I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society]. He is Non-Resident fellow of [ Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)] and [ Yale Law School Information Society Project (Yale ISP)] and [ Advisor of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)] and Experts Network, [ Institute for the Study of Information Technology and Society (InSITeS)].   
Michael Froomkin is married to University of Miami Law Professor Caroline Bradley and they have two children. <ref>[ Center for Democracy &amp; Technology]</ref>  
Michael Froomkin is married to University of Miami Law Professor Caroline Bradley and they have two children. <ref>[ Center for Democracy &amp; Technology]</ref>  
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* The Uneasy Case for National ID Cards as a Means to Enhance Privacy (book chapter) in SECURING PRIVACY IN THE INTERNET AGE (A. Chander, L. Gelman, M.J. Radin, eds Stanford U.P. 2008.
* The Uneasy Case for National ID Cards as a Means to Enhance Privacy (book chapter) in SECURING PRIVACY IN THE INTERNET AGE (A. Chander, L. Gelman, M.J. Radin, eds Stanford U.P. 2008.
* The New Health Information Architecture: Coping with the Privacy Implications of the Personal Health Records Revolution, UM ELSI Group for Project HealthDesign (2008), [[ (available online)]]
* The New Health Information Architecture: Coping with the Privacy Implications of the Personal Health Records Revolution, UM ELSI Group for Project HealthDesign (2008), [ (available online)]
* Forced Sharing of Patient-Controlled Health Records, UM ELSI Group for Project HealthDesign (2007), [[ Forced-sharing.pdf (available online)]]
* Forced Sharing of Patient-Controlled Health Records, UM ELSI Group for Project HealthDesign (2007), [ Forced-sharing.pdf (available online)]
* ELSI Guide to Licensing Project HealthDesign Work Product in the Public Interest, for Project HealthDesign (2007), [[ ELSI-OpenSource-Guide.pdf (available online)]]
* ELSI Guide to Licensing Project HealthDesign Work Product in the Public Interest, for Project HealthDesign (2007), [ ELSI-OpenSource-Guide.pdf (available online)]
* On the Future of Internet Governance (transcript of panel discussion), 101 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING (2007), [[ (abstract available online)]]
* On the Future of Internet Governance (transcript of panel discussion), 101 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING (2007), [ (abstract available online)]
* Creating a Viral Federal Privacy Standard, 8 B.C. L. Rev. 55 (2007). The Plural of Anecdote is "Blog", 84 WASH. U. L. REV. 1149 (2006). A Dispatch From the Crypto Wars (Review of MATT CURTIN, BRUTE FORCE: CRACKING THE
* Creating a Viral Federal Privacy Standard, 8 B.C. L. Rev. 55 (2007). The Plural of Anecdote is "Blog", 84 WASH. U. L. REV. 1149 (2006). A Dispatch From the Crypto Wars (Review of MATT CURTIN, BRUTE FORCE: CRACKING THE
* International and National Regulation of the Internet (book chapter in THE ROUND TABLE EXPERT GROUP ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAWS: CONFERENCE PAPERS (E.J. DOMMERING & N.A.N.M. VAN EIJK (EDS.) (2005)).
* International and National Regulation of the Internet (book chapter in THE ROUND TABLE EXPERT GROUP ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAWS: CONFERENCE PAPERS (E.J. DOMMERING & N.A.N.M. VAN EIJK (EDS.) (2005)).
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*Technologies for Democracy (book chapter in THE PROSPECTS FOR ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY (Peter Shane, ed. 2004))
*Technologies for Democracy (book chapter in THE PROSPECTS FOR ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY (Peter Shane, ed. 2004))
* Commentary: Time to Hug a Bureaucrat, 35 LOY. U. CHI. L.J. 139 (2003). [[ (available online)]]
* Commentary: Time to Hug a Bureaucrat, 35 LOY. U. CHI. L.J. 139 (2003). [ (available online)]
* ICANN & Anti-Trust, 2003 ILLINOIS L. REV. 1 (co-authored with Mark Lemley). [[ (available online)]]
* ICANN & Anti-Trust, 2003 ILLINOIS L. REV. 1 (co-authored with Mark Lemley).[ (available online)]
* ICANN 2.0: Meet the New Boss, 36 LOY. L.A. L. REV. 1087 (2003). [[ online)]]
* ICANN 2.0: Meet the New Boss, 36 LOY. L.A. L. REV. 1087 (2003). [ online)]
* Toward a Critical Theory of Cyberspace, 116 HARV. L. REV. 749 (2003) [[ (available online)]]
* Toward a Critical Theory of Cyberspace, 116 HARV. L. REV. 749 (2003) [ (available online)]
* Anonymity in the Balance (book chapter in DIGITAL ANONYMITY: TENSIONS AND DIMENSIONS (C. Nicoll, J.E.J. Prins & M.J.M. van Dellen eds. 2003). [[ .pdf)]]
* Anonymity in the Balance (book chapter in DIGITAL ANONYMITY: TENSIONS AND DIMENSIONS (C. Nicoll, J.E.J. Prins & M.J.M. van Dellen eds. 2003). [ .pdf)]
* Internet's International Regulation: Emergence and Enforcement, in Évolution des systèmes juridique, bijuridism et commerce international (Louis Perret & Alain-François Bisson, eds.) (Montreal, 2003)
* Internet's International Regulation: Emergence and Enforcement, in Évolution des systèmes juridique, bijuridism et commerce international (Louis Perret & Alain-François Bisson, eds.) (Montreal, 2003)
* Form and Substance in Cyberspace, 6 J. SMALL & EMERGING BUS. L. 93 (2002).[[ online)]]
* Form and Substance in Cyberspace, 6 J. SMALL & EMERGING BUS. L. 93 (2002).[ online)]
* ICANN’s UDRP: Its Causes and (Partial) Cures, 67 BROOKLYN L. REV. 605 (2002)[[ (available online)]]
* ICANN’s UDRP: Its Causes and (Partial) Cures, 67 BROOKLYN L. REV. 605 (2002)[ (available online)]
* Internet Governance: The ICANN Experiment (Or, Three Paradoxes in Search of a Paradigm), in LA LIBERTAD DE INFORMACIÓN: GOBIERNO Y ARQUITECTURA DE INTERNET 12 (ed. Loreto Corredoira y Alfonso) (Madrid, 2001).
* Internet Governance: The ICANN Experiment (Or, Three Paradoxes in Search of a Paradigm), in LA LIBERTAD DE INFORMACIÓN: GOBIERNO Y ARQUITECTURA DE INTERNET 12 (ed. Loreto Corredoira y Alfonso) (Madrid, 2001).
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* The Collision of Trademarks, Domain Names, and Due Process in Cyberspace, 44 COMM. ACM 91 (FEB. 2001)
* The Collision of Trademarks, Domain Names, and Due Process in Cyberspace, 44 COMM. ACM 91 (FEB. 2001)
* Wrong Turn in Cyberspace: Using ICANN to Route Around the APA and the Constitution, 50 DUKE L.J. 17 (2000).[[ (available online)]]
* Wrong Turn in Cyberspace: Using ICANN to Route Around the APA and the Constitution, 50 DUKE L.J. 17 (2000).[ (available online)]
* The Death of Privacy? 52 STAN. L. REV. 1461 (2000)[[ (available online)]]
* The Death of Privacy? 52 STAN. L. REV. 1461 (2000)[ (available online)]
* Speculative Microeconomics for Tomorrow’s Economy (with James Bradford De Long) (book chapter) INTERNET PUBLISHING AND BEYOND: THE ECONOMICS OF DIGITAL INFORMATION AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 6 (Brian Kahin &Hal Varian, eds., 2000). [[ articles/spec.htm (available online)]]
* Speculative Microeconomics for Tomorrow’s Economy (with James Bradford De Long) (book chapter) INTERNET PUBLISHING AND BEYOND: THE ECONOMICS OF DIGITAL INFORMATION AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 6 (Brian Kahin &Hal Varian, eds., 2000).[ articles/spec.htm (available online)]
* Semi-Private International Rulemaking: Lessons Learned from the WIPO Domain Name Process, book chapter in CHRISTOPHER T. MARSDEN (ED), REGULATING THE GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY 211 (Routledge 2000)[[ (view .pdf)]]
* Semi-Private International Rulemaking: Lessons Learned from the WIPO Domain Name Process, book chapter in CHRISTOPHER T. MARSDEN (ED), REGULATING THE GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY 211 (Routledge 2000).[ (view .pdf)]
* Beating Microsoft at its Own Game (with J. Bradford DeLong), HARV. BUS. REV. 159 (Jan-Feb. 2000) (Review of CHARLES FERGUSON, HIGH STAKES, NO PRISONERS (1999)). The Constitution and Encryption Regulation: Do We Need a “New Privacy”?, 3 N.Y.U. J. LEGIS & PUB. POL. 25 (1999-2000). Of Governments and Governance, 14 BERKELEY LAW & TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 617 (1999) [[ (available online)]] Legal Issues in Anonymity and Pseudonymity, AAAS SYMPOSIUM VOLUME, 15 THE INFORMATION SOCIETY 113 (1999).
* Beating Microsoft at its Own Game (with J. Bradford DeLong), HARV. BUS. REV. 159 (Jan-Feb. 2000) (Review of CHARLES FERGUSON, HIGH STAKES, NO PRISONERS (1999)). The Constitution and Encryption Regulation: Do We Need a “New Privacy”?, 3 N.Y.U. J. LEGIS & PUB. POL. 25 (1999-2000). Of Governments and Governance, 14 BERKELEY LAW & TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 617 (1999) [ (available online)] Legal Issues in Anonymity and Pseudonymity, AAAS SYMPOSIUM VOLUME, 15 THE INFORMATION SOCIETY 113 (1999).
* A Commentary on WIPO's The Management of Internet Names And Addresses: Intellectual Property Issues. [[ (available online )]]
* A Commentary on WIPO's The Management of Internet Names And Addresses: Intellectual Property Issues. [ (available online )]]
* 2B as Legal Software for Electronic Contracting --Operating System or Trojan Horse?, 13 BERKELEY L. & TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1023 (1999).[[ (available online)]]
* 2B as Legal Software for Electronic Contracting --Operating System or Trojan Horse?, 13 BERKELEY L. & TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1023 (1999).[[ (available online)]
* A Critique of WIPO's RFC3, (1999)
* A Critique of WIPO's RFC3, (1999)
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* Firme digitali e Autorità di Certificazione: La garanzie di validità degli atti elettronici, 23 INGENIUM (Italy) 12 (March, 1998) (tr. Giovanni Nasi)
* Firme digitali e Autorità di Certificazione: La garanzie di validità degli atti elettronici, 23 INGENIUM (Italy) 12 (March, 1998) (tr. Giovanni Nasi)
* Recent Developments in US Computer Law, AMICUS CURIAE 27 (Jan., 1998).[[ (available online)]]
* Recent Developments in US Computer Law, AMICUS CURIAE 27 (Jan., 1998).[ (available online)]
* Digital Signatures Today in FINANCIAL CRYPTOGRAPHY 287 (Rafael Hirschfeld ed., 1997) (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 1318).[[ (available online)]]
* Digital Signatures Today in FINANCIAL CRYPTOGRAPHY 287 (Rafael Hirschfeld ed., 1997) (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 1318).[ (available online)]
* The Internet as a Source of Regulatory Arbitrage (book chapter) in BORDERS IN CYBERSPACE (Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson, eds.) (MIT Press, 1997)[[ (available online)]]
* The Internet as a Source of Regulatory Arbitrage (book chapter) in BORDERS IN CYBERSPACE (Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson, eds.) (MIT Press, 1997)[ (available online)]
* It Came From Planet Clipper, 1996 U. CHI. L. FORUM 15 (The Law of Cyberspace symposium volume).[[ (available online)]]
* It Came From Planet Clipper, 1996 U. CHI. L. FORUM 15 (The Law of Cyberspace symposium volume).[ (available online)]
* Flood Control on the Information Ocean: Living With Anonymity, Digital Cash, and Distributed Databases, 15 U. PITT. J. L. & COM. 395 (1996) (Conference for the Second Century of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law Symposium volume).[[ (available online)]]
* Flood Control on the Information Ocean: Living With Anonymity, Digital Cash, and Distributed Databases, 15 U. PITT. J. L. & COM. 395 (1996) (Conference for the Second Century of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law Symposium volume).[ (available online)]
* The Essential Role of Trusted Third Parties in Electronic Commerce, 75 ORE. L. REV. 49 (1996) (The Law and Entrepreneurship Program: Innovation and the Information Environment, Symposium Volume).[[ (available online )]] Reprinted in READINGS IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 119 (Ravi Kalakota & Andrew B. Whinston, eds. 1997).
* The Essential Role of Trusted Third Parties in Electronic Commerce, 75 ORE. L. REV. 49 (1996) (The Law and Entrepreneurship Program: Innovation and the Information Environment, Symposium Volume).[ (available online )] Reprinted in READINGS IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 119 (Ravi Kalakota & Andrew B. Whinston, eds. 1997).
* Reinventing the Government Corporation 1995 ILL. L. REV. 543[[ (available online)]]
* Reinventing the Government Corporation 1995 ILL. L. REV. 543[ (available online)]
* Anonymity and Its Enmities, 1 JOURNAL OF ONLINE LAW art. 4 (1995)[[ online)]]
* Anonymity and Its Enmities, 1 JOURNAL OF ONLINE LAW art. 4 (1995)[ online)]
*The Metaphor is the Key: Cryptography, the Clipper Chip and the Constitution, 143 U. Penn. L. Rev. 709 (1995)).[[ (available online)]]
*The Metaphor is the Key: Cryptography, the Clipper Chip and the Constitution, 143 U. Penn. L. Rev. 709 (1995)).[ (available online)]
* The Constitutionality of Mandatory Key Escrow--A First Look in BUILDING IN BIG BROTHER: THE CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICY DEBATE 413 (Lance Hoffman, ed. 1995).
* The Constitutionality of Mandatory Key Escrow--A First Look in BUILDING IN BIG BROTHER: THE CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICY DEBATE 413 (Lance Hoffman, ed. 1995).
