Great Work!
Hi Pulasthi, I'm Ray's editor. I want to thank you for how quickly you moved over your batch of articles, your efficiency is awesome. I'm going to take some time this afternoon to look over a good portion of your work, get you some quick feedback, and then get you approved on VWorker so we can do some more work together!Thanks again. Andrew
Okay, there are a few minor changes that I'd like you to make before we check the assignment as complete and look toward another batch.
1.Please wipe and redirect all the pages on the ICANNwiki.org site to its corresponding page on ICANNwiki.com. For an example of this see: [1]
2.Please start off all you articles with the bolded name of the article's subject. Stephane Van Gelder's article should start out: Stephane Van Gelder is ...
3.Please make sure that every article has at least one reference, and make an effort to include more than one.
I would also like to encourage you to continue to look for sources outside any that were listed on the ICANNWiki.org site. Pulling in more than one source means a lot to us. I've noticed you've already done some of that, I appreciate it and really hope to see more of it!
Also, if you notice that any of our articles is directly copied and pasted from the source, please look to re-word or focus the article in a new way.
I think you've shown a great first effort and I look forward to more work from you. Please just continue to build substantial articles. I'll do some final edits once you get those references in there and address those other issues.
Again, great work, I'm truly impressed and excited about your potential with the siteAndrew
Hey Andrew..
I have made the changes you requested.. Check it out and give me a feedback.. Thank you.. hope to hear from you soon..
--Pulasthi 00:11, 31 January 2011 (PST)
Again, great, quick work. I've noticed you use external links quite a bit, and while I think this is a great thing for some sites I'd link to encourage you to use internal links whenever you see a corporation/site that would likely deserve a place on our site. This will help us keep users on our site and help build our content. I'm sure you'll get a better feel of what corps. and sites deserve internal links as you complete more work. Something else to keep in mind!
That is, sections at the end of the article (before the references section) with external links are great, and appreciated. But when those terms appear in the main article internal links are better. An example of this can be seen in my edits for Stephane Van Gelder.Andrew
more internal links
yeah i understand. Will use more internal linking in the future. Thanks Andrew. --Pulasthi 00:52, 1 February 2011 (PST)
New Examples Section
In the community portal you will a section labeled "great people articles"; I've compiled an example of a great person article from each one of our writers, including you. Take a minute to reflect on why I chose this as your top work, the edits that have been made to it since you completed it; and please take a look at the other writers' articles, it may inspire you and help you make formatting and content decisions in the future. I certainly felt that I learned more just meticulously going through the articles. Again, thanks for all the good work. Andrew
hello andrew,
i have added the 2nd set of articles, can u please check and give me a feed back on that. Thank you. --Pulasthi 01:37, 7 February 2011 (PST)
Second Batch
Okay, so I've scanned through your entire batch and was hoping that you could fix a few things; it seems that you frequently copy and paste from one reference and use that as the finished article. This is just not the kind of work we're looking for, as we're looking to compile enough sources to make the information new; rather than just continue the spread of the same stuff. You're first batch was an exciting introduction, as you showed some great determination and initiative; however, it seems in the second batch that you have focused on creating articles quickly rather than writing your own articles.
I hope that you are able to go back through the batch and add some references and put the material into your own words. For an example of what I am saying see the article for Misha Halvarsson - it seems your version was mainly copied over from names@work - which was one of your two sources. Compare your version to the version that I completed by looking at the history of the article. I was able to rewrite the article, and also add one more reference. The important part is that you're not copying and pasting, and that you're using all applicable references.
To further illustrate what I'm getting at, look at the article for Milton Mueller, this article is once again copied over from your one reference. Again, we don't want to offer readers the same pages that other sites do. You could easily re-work and build on this article. A search of Milton turns up some great stuff, in fact the first google return shows that he has written more than 25 academic papers regarding ICANN -exactly the kind of stuff we are looking for that was unfortunately left out of your article. (see: faculty work) This would be a good article to start the process of fixing your work.
I realize that you could just be copying the information over from the old ICANNWiki.org site, and not meaning to necessarily copy and paste from outside sources. However, if you were doing comprehensive searches you would likely run into the information and realize its origin.
So, please, if you could take another look at your articles and clear up the issue of copied information. Remember, bringing in more references/sources will only make creating an original article easier.
TIPS I also realize that you've dove quickly into the project and shown a good work ethic, and I appreciate it. I'll lay out a tip or two now to try to help improve your results:
1.)So, it may seem difficult to rewrite other information into your own words; try making copying and pasting a part of your process but not your final result. That is, find a good set of about 4 articles, find the relevant info, copy it, and paste it into the edit page of the ICANNWiki article. Then you will have a collection of all the important info in front of you and you can focus on highlighting the most important info in your own words; this will eliminate switching back and forth between tabs and trying to rework tough ideas in your head. Then create a ref links for all the pages you used to create your own article.
2.) By creating new sections in the article you are more easily able to create a unique piece of work. If you're having trouble rewriting your sources into one article look at it in a different way; ask yourself how you could break up the information and create different sections within the article to make your work stand out as original.
3.)Also, focus your searches on ICANN - I found the extra Misha Halvarsson reference by searching for "Misha Halvarsson ICANN", the more specific you get the better your results. Search for the person in conjunction with their company, or within certain organizational bodies.
I will be reworking the introductory pages on "how to write a good person" article soon, but if you haven't checked that page out yet, it is still a good resource. How to create a great person article
Please send me any questions, I'm here to help. I just know that given the heavy workload that you have so strongly taken on that you can make some improvements on this batch, and that you can become a great, and continued, writer for the site! Thanks for the work thus far, Andrew
Copied issue
I have started to work on the issue, i have edited two articles with the help of your tips,
I think this is the type you need. But i have some problem with profiles which has less references. I mean for some profiles i could only find information on linkedin profile or one original source. Is it ok to just re-word the information in that one source or split the information in that particular source in to few sections.
--Pulasthi 05:44, 8 February 2011 (PST)
Great! Those two articles are awesome examples of what we're looking for, and what I hope to see for the rest of the batch. With that said, I realize that sometimes it comes down to building an article off solely a LinkedIn profile. This is unfortunate, but an occasional reality. In that case, make an effort to make the page appear different than the LinkedIn profile, focus in on the IT related work. If you have any questions for articles like that send them my way and I'll make an example for you.
Also, I LOVE all the references, but a time saving note: No need to list the same reference repeatedly throughout a single section. See your references 18-22 in the Milton Mueller article, you can just put the 22 reference in and the reader would correctly assume that all the previous information in that section comes from that source. But, again, I love all the references.
Thanks, I can't wait to see more articles like those ones. Andrew
2nd batch Editing
The process of editing is slow since i am involved in some other work. But i will be finishing editing and tiding up the articles before 13th. I hope that is ok. --Pulasthi 06:44, 9 February 2011 (PST)
Great, no rush as long as you're turning in solid articles. We'd rather have you take your time and get a better result than rush through. I appreciate the update. Be well, Andrew
Thanks for the update, I've taken a quick glance at a few and so far so good. I will start actually editing in just a bit, and I'll get back to you in the next few days. Andrew
Final Edits
Looks good overall, thanks for the hard work; however, there are just a few pages I was hoping you could take one last look at- I've marked them on your user page. Let me know when you're ready to do another batch! Andrew
Work in progress
I like the "Under Construction" sign! Solves the problem we were discussing Ray
3rd Batch
Great. Thanks for the hard work. It will be a few days before I am able to completely check your work/begin to get you feedback. However, if you think that any of my edit critiques from the previous batches may apply to this one -please take the time now to do some personal editing. We'll be in touch. Andrew
Caterina and I have finished going over your batch, many of them are now fine, others need work. We've left notes next to the ones that need to be fixed. It's mostly copy and paste and reference issues, and while I realize these problems may be originating from the old .org site, these are the types of problems that can be recognized and avoided with just some google searching. Drop us a line with any questions/ let us know when you're done. Thanks for everything. Andrew
Re: your discussion with Andrew: the problem with copying and pasting from the old site is that standards for articles were much lower then, and a lot of that content has been copied from elsewhere. I find that it is best to assume the content isn't original and use it only as a starting point, even if the article seems good. Caterina
The notes can be found next to each name in your articles needed section (Community portal --> Articles that are being worked on now---> Your designated section) We have your batch copied there, and the ones that are all ok have just initials next to them (AM or CP), if it says something like "Copy and Paste issues" then that will need to be resolved. Ray was able to get you paid, so I hope you can still finish off your batch to our standards. Thanks! Andrew
I was wondering when you were going to be available to work on these unfinished articles?Andrew
More unexpected delays? We don't want you to disappear from the site! We want to work with you again as soon as you finish the second round of editing for the batch we've paid you for. Keep me updated, thanks, be well, Andrew
To all writers: Can you start marking the very top of each and every page you work on with UNDER CONSTRUCTION, when Caterina, Ray, or myself have edited and checked off on the page we will remove it. Thanks! Andrew
UPDATE: We've created an image that will make the "Under Construction" process easier: Please insert [[Image:UnderConstruction.png]] as the first text in every article you make. Thanks for putting up with the notes as we perfect this process. Be well, Stay in touch, Andrew
Hi Pulasthi, please make note of the change in process for keeping track of your batches. There is a note on the Articles needed page explaining what is different. Thanks. Caterina
Unfinished Batch
Welcome back, Pulasthi! While I'm glad your break was not a permanent one, it seems that you left some unfinished work from you last batch that you had agreed to bring up to standard (see above in your talk page). Please address the issues in Batch 3 that are noted on your user page. It is important that you bring all work to completion, thanks, Andrew
Style Guidelines
I've been updating the Style Guidelines to specifically address issues that our new writers face, please take a look at it and let me know of any suggestions you have. Also I'd like to bring to all of our writers' attention the section on Forwarding Links:
"It is the writer's responsibility to wipe the old pages from icannwik.ORG and create links to the new icannwiki.COM. An example of this can be seen here. Explain in similar terms that the site is moving, that this particular article has been moved, and then point to it with a link. Something like: "ICANNWiki.org is being moved to ICANNWiki.com, this article has already been moved can can be found [(link) here]"."
Also, please take note of the rule below, it also addresses the procedure for wiping and linking from the old site that we will expect from everyone from now on. Thanks for you attention to this, we're trying to get a clearer system in place so please follow these new rules as you continue working. Thanks for your patience as we get this all systemized and explained! So,:
The wiped page should contain the disclaimer & link to the new site but it should also contain the category "ICANNWiki.com" (with that exact spelling and capitalization). As you know, the formatting for this is: [[Category:ICANNWiki.com]]. This is the only category that the wiped pages need, it should no longer contain a "People" category. This will help us to track our progress of moving over the old site.
Company Template Changes
Hi writers,We've updated the Company template. Please make note of the changes, and pay attention to the specific formatting. We'd like the appearance of the template to be as standardized as possible. Do not delete empty fields, as they will not show up anyway. I have gone through all of the old company articles and changed them to the new template.
Additionally, if you are writing an article about an organization (sometimes these are categorized as "glossary" or "company" to begin with), please use the company template when the organization has a logo. If it does not have a logo, you do not need to use the template.
Thanks, Caterina
Welcome Back
I'm glad to see your back on the site! Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the edits we expect of you on the old batch. Yes, there has been a lot of work going on to move all the articles from the old site to the new- and there are few articles left, and many of them do not have much info. Do your best, if they don't attend ICANN meetings that's okay - as long as they have something to do with the IT/Internet world.
Also, please be aware that we have started to pay less for "stub" articles. These are articles that are very short/ do not have references. Please collect stubs separately from your actual batch. This way you will have 50 good articles, and then however number of stubs - which you will be bonused for. We do this because stubs take very little time to make. If you want to see what a stub looks like, there are some marked out on Dana's user page. Andrew
Company Articles
Okay, Here are 20 articles, 15 of which you will need to choose to write articles for. They are being moved from the .org site, so please wipe and redirect the articles on the old site as you know. Let me know of any other help you need Andrew
- Rrpproxy.net
- Seattle24x7
- Seomoz
- Seyfarth Shaw LLP
- Simcast Media
- Site HQ
- Skenzo
- Spectrum Equity Investors
- Strong, Inc
- Targeted Traffic
- TelID
I'm deleting duplicates, thus your list has shrunk from the 20 I will update you with replacements, etc. soon. Andrew
Photo Uploader
Attn: The photo uploader is now working. Andrew
I am reworking the assigned batches to eliminate duplicates. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will keep you updated as I make any significant changes to your assignment. If you don't have enough articles I am in the process of completing your list.
How are you doing? Let me know if your having any issues, I look forward to seeing your batch complete. Thanks! Andrew