User talk:Andrew

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References[edit source]

Yes, there are a few articles, without references. I was unable to find references for them at that time. I will complete the articles with references today most probably. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Muhammad Ali Khalid

categories[edit source]

Andrew, can you check categories when you check people articles? Thanks Ray

Company Logos[edit source]

Do you need help with those? Ray

I haven't tried to do them yet as I've been working on my parent's computer and don't want save images to their I imagine I'll have to do... I'll add them tomorrow when I switch to my own laptop.Andrew

ok great, I sent you an e-mail too Ray

Redirecting Articles[edit source]

Yeah, I redirect them at the end of the project when I have completed the set of 50 articles, somehow it makes the work easier for me :). You do not need to redirect the articles, I will do that myself.

For the getting more content. Sure I will try to dig deeper to get more about the people. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Articles needed[edit source]

Can you update this page with Pulasthi's work and as well consolidate other completed batches, thanks Ray

Great, and keep the done articles neatly on the user pages of the folks who did them? Ray

hi![edit source]

Thanks for the feedback. I try to keep the names consistent...specially the company names and initials..but I am not really very good with the technical stuff cctld tld etc are okay but sometimes there are more and I dont really know what to do with them except simply interlinking them by putting a [[]]. The only content I have copied are either from the old icannwiki or icannn site. And creative common the same bios that have been used in 4-5 websites( official website, yahoo finance, crunch base, linkedin) I thought these are okay. Let me know if its not. I will still go through the articles and see if there are more. As for regular work, I will sure love to work more. But I have a little complicated situation right now. I am involved in a national project right now and today I have been told that they are going to offer me a full-time job. So lets finish the last batch right now and we can take it from there. Regards

Glad to be here[edit source]

Hi, Andrew. First of all, nice to meet you:) Secondly, thanks for your help and assistance. Third of all, thanks for feedback. I will get some sleep now but in the morning I will introduce the references (will check your articles), and will also do 2 more articles. It will take some time until i get used to all the features, but I will manage it. Keep in touch! User:Dana Silvia Hi, Andrew! Thanks for adding the part with ICANN and DNSSEC, looks great. I saw you added the references, should I add some more? Soon I will start writing 2 more articles.

Article References[edit source]

Hi, Andrew. I added the references for both articles, finally I managed to understand how it should be done:D Soon I will upload some more articles.Please do check the references of my 2 articles when you have some spare time and let me know if there are any problems. Thanks, Dana.

Glossary[edit source]

Hi, Andrew. Thanks for your feedback, I checked all articles until now and added the category:Glossary. Will upload 2 more articles soon. Regards, Dana.

Table of contents[edit source]

Andrew, I saw that in an article it was inserted _NOTOC_ and this makes the table of content to disappear. Should I do this in some other cases or not..? Thanks, Dana.

Ok, then it's good I asked. I will check all articles and make the necessary changes. In the case of articles with the length of TLD article I will not introduce the Table of Contents. Thanks for a quick answer. Dana

Domaining Glossary and definitions[edit source]

Thanks for your feedback. I removed all Domaining Glossary sources because I noticed that this section will be deleted and the link will no longer work, but somehow it was left for domain kiting. I changed it. Regarding the links for definitions at Direct Navigation, I copied the wrong link there for that definition, changed it:) Thanks for feedback, and please do not hesitate to tell anything else regarding mistakes or discrepancies. Thanks, Dana

What is RGP?[edit source]

Hi Andrew, I am now trying to finish the articles but I do not what RGP refers to.... please help me if you can :) How are the articles? I wrote to Ray yesterday and asked him to take a look over the articles and tell me if there are any problems but received no answer. What is your opinion regarding my work? Regards, Dana

Ok, thanks, got it! Can please also help with the acronym "SO" what does it stand for? Yeah, in the short overview there are cases when i give another definition of the concept to make sure it is properly understood. There are still 3 articles which I will not be able to finish until the deadline on do you think this will be a problem?I will finish the project in around 4 hours, but the deadline is arriving in around 40 minutes or so... could you please talk to Ray? I hope everything will be ok.

Editing Process[edit source]

Hi Andrew. I am ready to make the changes you say, while you are reviewing the work. I have to mention the fact that I am leaving for Barcelona from 24th until the 28th and I will be unavailable. I will try and improve the articles but regarding what you said "either they need reference attention or just felt like certain sections could be stronger" - I tried to present in each article what I found as more useful and interesting since you and Ray did not mention what subjects I should focus on each article or so.... I will wait for your comment and do my best. Will wait for your reply. Regards, Dana

Yes, you are right, and I appreciate your feedback. Then, when you have some time to sum up some conclusions/changes/improvements regarding to some of my work you have already reviewed, let me know and I will start making the changes. Then, you can check the content once again and tell me it's ok. I hope I will also have a great time in Barcelona. Until the 24th I will try and do my best to finish the project so that we will all be satisfied with the results. Thanks, Dana

Ok, I notice those, now I understand the comments. If I want to modify something based on your comments, I will make the changes, and check the "watch this page" button or "This is a minor edit" button? Or how should I let you known that I have made the changes - write in summary? thanks, Dana

Alexander Phoenix[edit source]

Hi Andrew, Thanks for all the kind words and support, it's really appreciated.

I've already added a list of 'articles being worked on'.

My Immediate Plans:

Now, a few thoughts.

First, I hope to move around 50 articles from .org to .com before the end of the week. This doesn't mean that I'll only be moving articles, obviously - I'll also be creating new ones, as you suggested. If you would like to suggest any particular articles that you'd like created, please go ahead and do so.

Obviously, I'm working on moving pages first, because that goes a little faster, and I want to get it out of the way.

Regarding References for articles:

As for references, as the articles from .org are original work, they aren't as easy to find references for from the net (in searches) as it would be to find references for articles I write myself, for example (as I did when I wrote articles upon companies earlier).

I'll gladly put in references for the moved articles from the internet, but would like to do them at the end of moving all the (around 40) articles, if you don't mind. This should only take me two days or so.

So (extremely temporarily) the articles I add here will have no references at all.

But this will only be for about two days or so, when I will add references for them all simultaneously. I find this system more time efficient. In any case, the new articles will be unreferenced for just two days, which shouldn't really be a problem, as they can all be considered 'works-in-progress' until the references are in place.

Take care, and it's a pleasure to work with you, and on ICANNWiki.

- Alexander

Spam[edit source]

So we finally got our first spam. You can see it in recent changes, I reverted it already. I'm sure this will happen more and more as the site becomes more popular so we'll have to be on the lookout for it and take action as needed Ray

Ugh, beginning to see more of it ...

Hi again![edit source]

Hey, got your note! Sorry for replying so late, been really busy :( The section looks great... And yes, I am hoping to continue working in site as well, decided to pass the job offer. And I am really really sorry that I couldn't get around to edit the articles like you suggested. I will start checking them from tomorrow and make changes if necessary. In the meantime, please keep me updated and let me know if you have any more suggestion. Regards

Caricatures and references[edit source]

Hi there, putting in the caricatures and references now. Don't worry, it's very easy to keep track of things because the site is still up and provides reference. I decided to do the portraits at one time because I'm resizing them to fit more neatly and need to use graphics editing programs to do that, so of course it's more convenient to do all the graphics editing at once

completed my 2nd batch[edit source]

hi there,

I completed my 2nd batch. I'm really sorry for being late, since it was a busy week last week. Hope it's ok. Take a look at it n give me a feed back. thank you --Pulasthi 23:12, 12 February 2011 (PST)

thanks[edit source]

hi andrew thanks for the feedback. Will fix them before tomorrow. Yeah i'm ready for another batch. Thanks again. --Pulasthi 02:00, 15 February 2011 (PST)

Balram Mahendra profile - couldnt find sources[edit source]

i fixed the other two pages. But for Balram Mahendra, i could not find any sources. May be he is using another name or something. --Pulasthi 04:12, 15 February 2011 (PST)