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Samantha Demetriou

From ICANNWiki
Revision as of 23:21, 11 November 2015 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs) (Updated Demetriou's status as Vice Chair to RySG.)
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Email: samantha.demetriou

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Featured in the ICANN 52 - Singapore playing card deck

Featured in the ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires playing card deck

Samantha Demetriou is the Vice President of Consulting Services at FairWinds Partners LLC. She coordinates a team of consultants to best service FairWinds' clients.[1]

Demetriou has attended many ICANN meetings, including ICANN 50 in London. She is involved with the NTAG as Chair and with the BC as an observer. She is interested in topics such as New gTLDs and Internet Governance.[1] Demetriou serves as Vice Chair to ICANN's Registries Stakeholder Group. [2]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 50 Intake Form, June 2014
  2. Registries Stakeholder Group. Retrieved 11 Nov 2015.