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Wataru Ohgai

From ICANNWiki
Revision as of 13:53, 12 March 2023 by Alt (talk | contribs) (add photos)
Organization: Keio University, WIDE Project
Country: Japan
Email: alt [at] sfc.wide.ad.jp
Blog: https://blog.jj1lfc.dev
Facebook:    Wataru Ohgai
Twitter:    @jj1lfc
Github:    Github.com/JJ1LFC

Wataru Ohgai (Alt in short) is a graduate student at Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University in Fujisawa, Japan. He also is a Chair of Email WG at WIDE Project. His proficiency is DNS, Security of DNS, Security using DNS and Email. He joined ICANN76 for the first time ICANN meeting as a fellow from JPNIC.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

  • Fellow from JPNIC, ICANN76, March 2021


  • Bachelor's degree (Mar. 2018 - Aug. 2022), Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Japan
  • Master's degree (Sep. 2022 - current), Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan