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Kenny Huang

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Country: Taiwan
Email: huangksh [at] gmail.com
LinkedIn:    Kenny Huang
Has attended 10+
ICANN Meetings

Featured in the ICANN 76 - Cancún playing card deck

Kenny Huang has been long involved in internet development in Asia, particularly in Taiwan, and works closely with government agencies to develop technology policies. He has served on the Executive Council of APNIC since February 2011 and has been on the Board of Directors of TWNIC since February 2009.[1][2] He is currently serving as the CEO of the TWNIC.[3]

Huang is also co-author of RFC3742 of the IETF, the Co-Chair of JET, aka the Joint Engineering Team, which is formed by JPNIC, KRNIC, CNNIC, and TWNIC. He is also an Advisor to the CDNC aka Chinese Domain Name Consortium. He is also a Taiwan e-Government Committee member, Taiwan Government & IT Reform Committee member, principal investigator of Government IPv6 Policy, the project leader of Taiwan Future Internet Policy Program, and project leader of dot Taipei gTLD Consulting Program.[1]

As of ICANN 54 in Dublin, he had been to over ten ICANN Meetings, as well as IETF and APNIC.[2]

ICANN76 Playing Card Illustration[edit | edit source]

Kenny is dressed in the fashion of Captain America with a dog on his chest and a utility belt at his waist.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Kenny Huang, LinkedIn.com. Retrieved 2015 October 29.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 54 Dublin Intake Form. Retrieved 2015 October 29.
  3. 3.0 CEO introduction, TWNIC Official Website. https://www.twnic.net.tw/about_organization_ED.php Retrieved 2019 January 18.