TCP is the abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol. TCP is the entire system of addressing and transmitting over to the intended destinations. The mnemonic nature of the domain names helps the consumers to locate the online businesses [1]. The TCP is the main basis of the Internet and it is the language which majority of the world’s networked computers use to communicate with each other. [2]
TCP is the transport layer protocol, which is used by applications which require a guaranteed delivery. It is a kind of sliding window which deals with handling of both retransmissions as well as timeouts. The TCP is responsible in establishing full duplex virtual connection between the endpoints. Each of these endpoints is defined by the Internet Protocol or IP address and a TCP port number. The TCP operation is executed as a finite state machine. The number of bytes of data which can be sent before confirmation is determined by the window size. [3]
The working of the TCP
Whenever an HTML file is sent through a Web server, the TCP program layer in the server divides the file in many packets and forwards them to the IP program layer individually. Though there is same destination IP address for the each packet, chances are they may get routed differently through the network. On the other end which is the client program in the computer, the TCP reassembles the individual packets and forwards them to the consumer as a single file when they arrive. [4]
Use of TCP
The TCP is used as the de facto standard through which data is transferred on all the networks. The TCP is also supported by all the network operating systems which have their independent protocols such as the Netware [5]. The TCP also provides a great deal of functionality to the IP service which is mostly layered into the following: • Reliable Delivery: In TCP, there is a use of sequence numbers which are mostly used to coordinate data that has been transmitted and received. If there is any loss in the data the TCP transmits the data all over again. • Streams: The TCP data is well organized into a stream of bytes such as a file. The datagram type of the network is highly concealed. The TCP also consists of a mechanism known as the urgent pointer which lets out of band data to be flagged. • Flow control: TCP also coordinates traffic and manages its data buffers. This never leads to an overflow of buffers. • Network Adaptation: TCP dynamically learns all the delay characteristics of a network and then itself adjusts its own operation to enhance throughput and that too without taking too much load of work. [6]
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