World Summit on the Information Society

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WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) is a two phase summit endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly under Resolution 56/183 to create a global multi-stakeholder platform to resolve the issues confronting information and communication technology. The summit was participated by more than 19,000 individuals from 174 countries.[1]


The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) initiated the idea of conducting the World Summit on the Information Society(WSIS) in 1998 via Resolution 73. In 1999, the United Nations Secretary General expressed its enormous support to the proposed summit and created the framework for the summit under Resolution 56/183. The resolution also defined the role of ITU in cooperation with other interested organizatio and partners. By 2001, ITU led the preparations in holding the WSIS and decided to conduct it in two phases.The first phase of the Summits to be held in Geneva on December 10-12, 2003 and the second phase in Tunis on November 16-18, 2005.[2]
