Ivan G. Seidenberg


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Country: USA

Ivan G. Seidenberg is the Chairman of Verizon Communications, Inc. since 2004 up to present. He is also the Chairman of Busniess Roundtable, an organization comprised of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of top companies in the United States.[1] He also serves as one of the Presidential Advisers under the Presidential Export Council under President Barack Obama's administration. He received his appointment from the President to promote U.S. exports, jobs and growth on June of 2010.[2]

Personal Information

Seidenberg was born on December 10, 1946, in New York City, New York. His parents were Howard and Kitty Seidenberg. He is married to Phyllis A. Maisel and they two children.[3]


Seidenberg attended evening classes at Lehman College, City University of New York. He received his Bachelors Degree in Mathematics in 1972. He earned his Masters Degree in Business Administration at Pace University in 1980.[4]

Career History

Seidenberg was first employed at the New York Telephone, one of AT&T Regional Bell Operating Companies in 1966 as cable splicer assistant. His employment with the company was interrupted when he was drafted to join the United States Army during the war in Vietnam. He returned in the U.S. from the war as a decorated soldier after being wounded during a battle in Khe Sanh Vietnam. After his service in the military, he returned to his job at New York Telephone. He was promoted and assumed different positions within the company. [5]
