Dates: 19th - 23rd July 2004
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Host: Malaysia
Venue: Shangri-La Hotel
Website: [1]
Historical Significance
ICANN 20 was the first event to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



The ICANN 20 Event took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and was to be the first ICANN event, that was held in the region. The meeting followed a similar agenda to precious meetings, and all interested persons, were invited to attend the event. ICANN 20 was the second meeting to take place in the year 2004, out of the three that had been scheduled, and it was arranged to last the duration of five days, commencing 9:00 am on Monday 19th July, and closing at 17:00 on Friday the 23rd July 2004.

Many meetings had been arranged, and a variety of new topics were up for discussion, these included an update on TLD’s, a TLD evaluation report and also meetings from the Financial and Audit Committees took place.

All persons that were unable to attend the meeting in person, were advised to utilize the webcast and Remote Participation services provided by ICANN through the Event host location.


Historical Notes



There were several sessions throuhgout the ICANN 20 that were both webcast and recorded. The sessions which can be viewed are as follows:

  • WSIS
  • IDN Workshop
  • GNSO Council Meeting
  • ICANN 20 Public Forum
  • ICANN 20 Board Meeting

All video footage from the event can be obtained through using the following link -

ICANN Video Footage


GNSO Council Meeting

Workshop on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

Workshop: Internationalized Domain Name

ICANN Public Forum

ICANN Board of Directors Meeting

Joint ICANN/ITU ccTLD Workshop

ccNSO Meeting Agenda

GNSO Council Events

External Links

ICANN Website