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Liz Williams

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Revision as of 14:57, 29 May 2012 by Andrew (talk | contribs)
Email: Lizwilliams [at] lizwilliams.net
LinkedIn:    [elizabethawilliams Liz Williams]

Liz Williams has been working in the Internet industry since the early 1990s and is now the CEO of Sedari.[1]

In a letter dated December 8th, 2011, Liz Williams, along with twenty-seven other domain name industry representatives, wrote to Sen. Jay Rockefeller and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to support ICANN's new gTLD program, in response to the Senate Hearings taking place on the same day. They supported ICANN's argument that the program would be innovative and economically beneficial, and noted that the program took a diverse group of international stakeholders years to develop.[2] The letter can be found here.

Career History[edit | edit source]

Previously, she was based in ICANN's Brussels office as Senior Policy Council, leading ICANN's policy development activities on the introduction of new top level domains.[3] She brings to ICANN comprehensive policy development and regulatory affairs experience in telecommunications and internet governance. Her work has focused on North America, the Asia Pacific region and Australia, for both governments and the private sector. Liz Williams is particularly experienced with regards to internet policy in developing countries.

She is a former Deputy Chair of the .au Domain Administration Board of Directors and has worked across the ICANN registrars' and registries' constituencies on a wide variety of policy issues.[4] Williams also has significant commercial experience in the industry, having advised registrars and registries about opportunities in the ICANN environment and, on occasion, has advised ICANN on specific policy development and domain name space expansion efforts.[5]

She holds a doctorate in information technology and law on the globlisation of regulation and its impact on the domain name system and a masters in communication on regulating the internet and privacy protection.

References[edit | edit source]