Status: Proposed
country: International
Type: Niche TLD
Category: Real Estate
Community: real estate industry

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.immo is a proposed gTLD submitted to ICANN's new gTLD expansion program.

Current Applicants

  1. STARTING DOT, Community Application, a start-up domain registry company based in France is applying for the domain name string. The term immo is an abbreviation for the word "immobilier" which means real estate and it popularly used in France, Germany and Italy. Starting Dot plans to utilize the .immo TLD to provide an online space for the real estate industry including agents, property managers, home builders, professional real estate website publishers, professional insurance and financial services providers. [1]
  2. Top Level Domains Holding (TLDH), the parent company of Minds + Machines is also applying for the string.
  3. dotimmobilie GmbH
  4. Donuts (Auburn Bloom, LLC), the company has applied for 307 TLDs.


STARTING DOT has applied as a community priority applicant, which requires that the application must demonstrate that it has the majority support of a cohesive community. It has received the official endorsements of the main real estate professional associations in the countries related to .immo (Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg) and is the official application of the real-estate community in Continental Europe. The associations and real estate portals endorsing .immo by STARTING DOT represent over 100,000 real estate businesses.[2][3]
