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Peter Cramton

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Country: USA
Email: pcramton[at]gmail.com

   [Cramton.UMD.edu Cramton.UMD.edu]

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Dr. Peter Cramton is a Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, where he has taught since 1993. He is also an Affiliate of Agriculture and Resource Economics at the University.[1] He is a leading expert and research on auction theory and practice, and has been involved in the field since 1983. His firm, Cramton Associates, is one of 3 prominent firms offering gTLD Auction services to gTLD applicants in contention that wish to resolve their contention sets via private auctions rather than ICANN Auctions.[2] That is, given that there are more than 700 TLDs that have been applied for by more than one party a winner must be determined. ICANN has provided for an "Auction of Last Resort" but trusts that most applicants can resolve their own contention sets before this. The Private Auction model is an instance of innovation within the community to address the intricacies of the ICANN gTLD delegation process.[3]

Previous teaching positions include two positions at the Yale School of Management at Yale University, first as an Assistant Professor of Decision Theory and later as an Associate Professor of Economics and Management. Dr. Cramton was also a National Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.[1]

Links to his publications can be found here.

Experience[edit | edit source]

Much of his most high-profile auction experience comes from working with governments to auction off resource rights, such as spectrum, energy, and emissions auctions. Since 1993, he has advised 12 governments and 36 bidders in spectrum auctions and is a co-inventor of the spectrum auction design used in Canada, Australia, and many European countries to auction 4G spectrum. Dr. Cramton has played a lead role designing and implementing electricity and gas auctions across the Americas and Europe since 2001. He conducted the world's first greenhouse-gas auction in the UK in 2002, and has acted as an advisor on carbon auctions elsewhere in Europe, and in Australia and the United Sates. New auction initiatives he has developed include auctions for airport slots, wind rights, diamonds, medical equipment, and his current work with gTLD applicants for Internet top-level domains.

Education[edit | edit source]

Peter Cramton received his B.S. in Engineering from Cornell University in 1980 and his Ph.D. in Business from Stanford University in 1984.

Honors[edit | edit source]

  • Resident Scholar, Rockefeller Foundation, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy, Spring 2007.
  • Departmental Undergraduate Teaching Award, Spring 1996 (2), Spring 1997 and Spring 2002.
  • Departmental Graduate Teaching Award, Fall 1994, Fall 1998, and Fall 2007.
  • Hoover National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1992-93.
  • Winner of the 1984 Leonard J. Savage Thesis Award for an outstanding dissertation in Bayesian Economics.
  • American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business Doctoral Fellowship, 1983-84.
  • National Association of Purchasing Management Scholarship, 1983-84.
  • Dean’s Award for Service to Stanford University, 1983-84.
  • Two-time recipient of Stanford Merit Fellowship, 1981-83.
  • Elected by the Operations Research faculty as outstanding senior, 1980.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vita, Cramton.umd.edu Retrieved 8 Jan 2013]
  2. Cramton.UMD.eduRetrieved 8 Jan 2013]
  3. Private v. ICANN Auction, CircleID.comPublished 2 Jan 2013, Retrieved 8 Jan 2013