Yc Lee
Yc Lee leads the RegistryASP technical team and currently holds a Senior Project Manager position that oversees many critcal areas in RegistryASP registry registrar solution such as maintaining WEBNIC [2] registrar system and CDNIC registry system. Yc Lee also works closely with HKDNR on registry related issues. He has over 8 years of project implementation experience which 4 years out of 8 years was involved heavily in the domain name industry. His experience over the years has made him versatile in key registry-registrar solution technologies such as IDN,WHOIS,EPP and various DNS implementation and services. Yc Lee's knowledge in high availability architecture has benefit RegistryASP registry solution to achieve highly regarded high availability. He also leads the technical team to perform performance management that includes capacity planning , load testing and system tuning. Yc Lee can be contact at yclee [at] registryasp.com
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