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Nelly Kwende

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Revision as of 18:07, 18 September 2013 by Jonah (talk | contribs)
Country: Benin
Email: nkwende [at] gmail.com
Facebook:    [Nelly Kwende Nelly Kwende]
Featured in the ICANN 47 - Durban playing card deck

Nelly Kwende is the Director General of ICT at the Ministry of Communication of Benin,[1] she has held this position since 2005.[2] She is also the GAC Representative of Benin.[3] Ms. Kwende serves as the Director of DARIG at the Ministry of Communication, and focuses on promoting and implementing new technologies.[4]

She attends ICANN Meetings,[5][6] is involved with the OIF, AfriNIC, and ISOC.[7] Other international conference participation includes UN Summits.[8]

She launched a 2005 AfrISPA/CATIA workshop for Benin ISPs in Catonou, which was arranged for the promotion of synergy between regional ISPs and ICT development for the country.[9]

References[edit | edit source]