There is also a page on the TLD .best.
dotBEST is the top level domain for the people and brands whose products and expertise comprise the “Best of the Net”. Targeted at individuals, start-ups and established businesses, dotBEST is marketed as the ideal domain for:
1. Positioning your brand, products and services as the best in their respective category; and
2. Being found in search engines when the popular keyword ‘best’ is used. dotBEST will be marketed to consumers as a trustworthy, niche corner of the internet where only the best products and services are located.
dotBEST domains will be available to everyone, however the TLD-owner (PeopleBrowsr Group of Companies) reserves the right to revoke the domain should the domain owner’s products and services reviews on social media fall below an acceptable standard.
dotBEST domains will also bundled with access to the dotBEST Social Network, powered by PeopleBrowsr's Social OS. Every internet user will be able to access the network, however only dotBEST domain owners will be able to maintain their own branded Micronetwork.
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