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Revision as of 21:02, 28 April 2015 by Jason (talk | contribs) (sp)
Welcome to ICANNWiki,
a collaborative resource for the ICANN and Internet governance communities.
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Consensual Economics
Consensual Economics, or CE, is building an environment to exchange information on consumer products and their alternatives. It uses the open source technology of a wiki to help place informed choices in the hands of those interested in opting out of mainstream commercial goods, services and products for frugal, consent-conscious hacks. The movement up the production chain from a raw material to its being manufactured into a consumable product adds cost or "value" to the final product. Essentially CE asks, is the consent of all parties a factor in creating this product valued during the process of "adding value" and if so to what degree? It is really difficult to unpack the answer to this question as an individual because there is so much involved in just one product alone. How can we come to grips with the totality of our household if we cannot address just toothpaste with confidence. Can consumers really "consent" to consuming products if we do not know the nature of the deal we are striking. In addition, when we purchase consumer goods, especially those related to "care" we create an inverse relationship. We buy things to take care of ourselves, our possession, our homes...but is the cost of this care for ourselves the expense/disregard for other lifeforms?
A collaborative and fluid online wiki-encyclopedia, participants either come here to look up answers to these questions , or they come here to provide them to others. The hope is that interested parities can strive to overcome the intricacies of hidden cruelty embedded in the products we use everyday through research, problem solving and communication.
Give What You Can


If you have benefited in some way from viewing this wiki, from engaging with any works here or somewhere else in connection to this wiki, or you simply believe in the project's mission please consider supporting CE with a monetary gift so that projects like these can being made. Visit Fractured Atlas to make a secure gift by clicking on the Fractured Atlas logo in this section just above. Fractured Atlas is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions for the purposes of Photosynthesister Projects are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Gratefully yours,
Consensual Economics
Project Founder
CE/Fair Hacks Wiki is an extension of Karla Stingerstein’s art practice under the entity Photosynthesister Projects. Working across a range of media, Karla integrates research and art-making to explore ways we can steward and safeguard our surroundings as well as connect people directly to a more just future.