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Type: gTLD
Status: Delegated
Implemented: June 19, 2014
Registry: ARI Registry Services
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.physio is a TLD delegated in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The application was submitted by Glenn Ruscoe, an Australian Physiotherapist working with Risely Physiotherapy in Perth, Australia, who intends to market the string to other practicing Physiotherapists. PhysBiz Pty Ltd manages the TLD and is its Registry. The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 19 June, 2014.[1] [2]

Application Details[edit | edit source]

The following is excerpted from the applicant's response to question #18:

"The .physio gTLD will be a new generation gTLD serving the interests of members of the physiotherapy⁄physical therapy (“physio”) profession, as well as Internet users more generally. The .physio domain will provide an Internet space for the physio community, not in the sense of representing the existing community, but instead through the creation of an online identity for members of the profession, professional associations, affiliated persons & entities in connection with the physio profession. PhysBiz Pty Ltd (PhysBiz) intends to create and authoritative Internet space and verifiable resource for Internet users to access information and professional services with the .physio gTLD. In making this application, PhysBiz has the support of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) & intends to maintain an ongoing relationship with the WCPT to promote the global success of this initiative. The WCPT is the sole international organisation representing physio’s worldwide; with 106 national member organisations & a total 350,000 physios. Registrations for second or third level domain names under the new .physio gTLD will only be available to those associated with the physio profession, namely qualified or registered physios, physio students, assistants, aides, professional physio associations, physio entities⁄businesses & universities that offer courses in or relating to physio. Imposing such criteria for registration aims to ensure that the .physiogTLD presents authoritative and verifiable information relating to the physio profession to the general public. Though it is a wide spread global occupation, the physio industry has limited avenues for its professionals & professional associations to interact with one another. . As such, physio intends to provide a space for a networking and enterprising physio industry to develop by providing online tools and business services to members of the profession and information to Internet users."[3]

References[edit | edit source]