Yuri Kargapolov

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Country: Ukraine
Email: yvk [at] uanic.net
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Yuri Kargapolov
ICANNLogo.png Has attended 10+
ICANN Meetings

Yuri Kargapolov is a Member of the Coordination Council for the Ukrainian Network Information Center (UANIC [1]), one of the developers of the administration and technical rules for IDN ccTLDs.[2]

Yuri Kargapolov graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute, Radio-engineering faculty, in 1980 received diploma Dipl. Eng. Radio Designer and Technologist. In the sphere of professional interests and activities in different years included application programming, system programming and methodology.

He created the ISP, has built and launched more than 25 technical platforms in different cities of Ukraine to provide broadband wired and wireless access.

Yuri Kargapolv took an active part in preparing documents for .УКР IDN ccTLD application and .0.8.3.e164.arpa application (Ukrainian ENUM domain). During the whole period (2009-2013) of preparation for delegation and launch .УКР IDN ccTLD he held the position of Chair of Technical Group of UANIC.

Yuri has attended over 50 local and international Meetings and Conferences of ICANN, IGF, RIPE, ITU, TLDCON, IGF-UA [3], RIGF etc.

Yuri has attended 10+ ICANN Meetings, including ICANN 51 in Los Angeles. He is interested in Internet Governance and the DNS.[2]

Career History[edit | edit source]

Since the 90s he built more than 40 networks on the basis of X.25/X.28, FR, IP-technologies with implemented data transfer, VoIP, video and special-oriented services for banks and corporations with gateways into PSTN and mobile Telcos for banks and corporations.

In 2003 he took part in the launch SWIFTNet - transfer SWIFT from X.25 protocol to IP-protocol.

From 2006 till 2011 he held various positions as a civil servant in the National Commission for Communication Regulation of Ukraine (Head Department of IP-technologies, broadband and Internet, Assistant Chairman of NCCR) and in the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine – State Administration of Communication of Ukraine (Head Department of Strategic Development of Communication).

From 2007 he holds the position of Adviser from Ukraine in GAC.

In 2004 he was elected for the position of Chair of the UANIC Rules Committee.

In Feb 2012 he was included in the Programme Committee ENOG [4]

In 2011 he worked as an observer in Cyrillic Case Study team [5]. The Cyrillic Case Study group considered the possibility of using the apostrophe (U+02BC) in domain names. Ukrainian participants raised the issue that the apostrophe in the Ukrainian language is not a punctuation mark but a letter. The email in support of the use of the apostrophe to address of Cyrillic Case Study team was sent [6].

In May 2014 he became a member of the Coordination Council UANIC.

In October 2014 he took the position of Chair of Cyrillic Generation Panel (as a volunteer).

References[edit | edit source]