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Dirk Bhagat is an Internet and technology entrepreneur who is currently the CEO of SharkFin Networks Inc., and the CTO of .CLUB Domains LLC, which he co-founded with longtime business partner, Colin Campbell. Prior to his current positions, Dirk also held a significant leadership position at Internet-based company Hostopia, where he served as CTO. Dirk also serves on the board of a mobile development company, Brisk Mobile.


Dirk received his BSc in Computer Science at the University of Toronto. From 2005 until 2011, Dirk served as CTO for, and pioneered its technology platform through the invention of Clustering Technology and SNAP migration, which allows for the seamless migration of millions of customers. Through the SNAP technology, Hostopia was able to acquire,, and EarthLink. [1]

Hostopia saw success under Dirk’s leadership and technological advances for the company, and assisted in the process of taking the company to Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2006, where it raised over $29 million dollars.[2] In 2008, Dirk exited the company after it was sold to Deluxe Corporation for $124 million dollars.[3]

In 2011, Dirk became the CEO of outdoor advertising company, SharkFin Networks,[4] which provides advertisements specifically to taxi companies, through LED specialty lighting and vehicle wrap services.[5]

Dirk also Co-founded and currently serves as the CTO of .CLUB Domains LLC,[6] the world’s highest-selling new domain name extension registry.[7] .CLUB Domains LLC owns and operates only one new domain extension, which is the .CLUB domain.

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Country: 加拿大
LinkedIn:     [Dirk’s LinkedIn Dirk Bhagat]
Twitter:     @dirkbhagat

贝德克是一位互联网科技创业家,是SharkFin Networks Inc.的现任现任首席执行官。他和长期业务伙伴Colin Campbell柯博尔联合创办了.CLUB顶级域名公司并现任该公司首席技术官。在此之前,贝德克曾在网络公司Hostopia担任首席技术官。他还是移动开发公司Brisk Mobile的董事会成员。


贝德克拥有多伦多大学计算机科学的理学士学位。在2005--2011年在Hostopia.com担任首席技术官,通过发明SNAP迁移技术,实现数百万电子邮件账户的无缝迁移,为网站的集群技术奠定了基础。该技术后来成为、Register.com和EarthLink收购案中的关键性技术。[8] 2006年,在他的帮助下,公司成功上市,通过IPO募集了2900万美元资金,[9]后于2008年以1.24亿美元的价格将公司售予Deluxe Corp,成功退出。[10] 贝德克于2011年担任户外广告公司SharkFin Networks的首席执行官,[11]该出租车广告业务公司提供LED专业照明和车辆包装服务。[12] 贝德克还是.CLUB顶级域名公司创始人和现任首席技术官,[13]该公司拥有并运营一个域名后缀--.CLUB顶级域名,该域名后缀是销售量排名第一新通用顶级域。[14]

Chinese translation of this page provided thanks to Allegravita LLC.
