Michele Van Tilborg

Revision as of 15:34, 30 March 2015 by Simoncousins (talk | contribs)
Country: USA
Email: michele@nic.club
Facebook: Facebook.png   [Michele on Facebook Michele Van Tilborg]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Michele on LinkedIn Michele Van Tilborg]
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @VanGoblin


Michele Van Tilborg is a 25-year marketing and product management veteran who is currently the VP of Business Development at .CLUB Domains LLC registry. Michele’s role at .CLUB includes building strategic relationships and marketing programs to enable partners to capitalize on the release of the new .CLUB domain name extension.


Michele received her Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the University of South Florida in 1987, and received an MBA in Management and Operations from California State University - Dominguez Hills in 1996.[1]

Michele has spent over 10 years in the Internet and domain name space, previously working with industry-leading companies such as SnapNames & Moniker[2], where she served as CMO, as well as Rent.com (an eBay company), and First American Real Estate Solutions, where she served in product management leadership positions.


Aside from being a part of the .CLUB executive team, Michele is also involved in Women in Domaining[3], a group created by women in the domain industry to focus on sharing ideas, business proposals, and discussing industry topics.

Chinese version of this page/本页中文版


Country: 美国
Email: michele@nic.club
Facebook:     [Michele on Facebook Michele Van Tilborg]
LinkedIn:     [Michele on LinkedIn Michele Van Tilborg]
Twitter:     @VanGoblin


Michele Van Tilborg is a 25-year marketing and product management veteran who is currently the VP of Business Development at .CLUB Domains LLC registry. Michele’s role at .CLUB includes building strategic relationships and marketing programs to enable partners to capitalize on the release of the new .CLUB domain name extension. ‘’’狄婉美’’’拥有超过25年的营销与产品管理的实战经验,现在于新通用顶级域注册局 .CLUB域名有限公司担任业务开发副总裁,负责建立战略合作关系和制定营销方案以帮助商业伙伴通过发布.CLUB域名后缀实现利益最大化。


狄婉美于1987取得了南佛罗里达大学市场营销的理学士学位,后于1996取得加利福尼亚州立大学多明戈斯山分校运营管理工商管理硕士学位。[4] 狄婉美在互联网和网站域名方面有超过10年的经验,曾在域名行业的领军企业Moniker & SnapNames担任首席营销官[5]。还在Rent.com(eBay旗下网站)、First American Real Estate Solutions、Wolters Kluwer等公司负责过产品管理和营销。


除了是.CLUB顶级域名公司执行团队中的一员,狄婉美还积极参与由在域名行业工作的女性创建的Women in Domaining社会团体[6],该团体聚焦于分享观点、商业企划和探讨行业话题。

Chinese translation of this page was provided thanks to Allegravita LLC.
