.قطر is the IDN ccTLD for Qatar. It is managed by the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA).[1]
The domain قطر is represented in ASCII-compatible encoding according to the IDNA specification as “xn--wgbl6a”. The individual Unicode code points that comprise this string are U+0642 U+0637 U+0631.
In Arabic language, the string has a meaning equivalent to “Qatar” in English. Its pronunciation in English is transliterated as “Qatar”. The string is expressed using the Arabic script.[2]
Delegation History[edit | edit source]
In November 2009, an application was made to the "IDN Fast Track" process to have the string “قطر” recognised as representing Qatar. On 1 March 2010, review by the IDN Fast Track DNS Stability Panel found that "the applied-for strings associated with the applications from [Qatar] (a) present none of the threats to the stability or security of the DNS ... and (b) present an acceptable low risk of user confusion". The request for the string to represent Qatar was subsequently approved.
On 20 July 2010, the Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology presented an application to ICANN for delegation of “قطر” as a top-level domain, which was granted.
Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]
.قطر is an Open Use ccTLD, so anyone can register under .قطر.[3]
References[edit | edit source]
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