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Status: Delegated
Language: Chinese (Hans/Simplified)
Translates to: "vogue", "fashion"
Manager: Zodiac
Registry Provider: KNET
Date Implemented: 27 March 2015
Type: IDN gTLD
Category: Industry

More information:

.时尚 is a delegated IDN gTLD in ICANN's New gTLD Program. Zodiac (RISE VICTORY LIMITED) manages the TLD and is its Registry. The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 27 March, 2015.[1].[2]

.时尚 是一个国际化通用顶级域名。该域名已被纳入ICANN的新通用顶级域名计划。申请人为黄道公司。

Application Details[edit | edit source]

Excerpted from applicant response to question #18 in TLD application:

"Zodiac Holdings Limited (“Zodiac”) was founded and incorporated in Cayman Islands by James Seng in 2008 in anticipation of the launch of the ICANN new gTLD program. Currently, it is headquartered in Hong Kong and has an operation center in Beijing, China. The team consists of experienced veterans in the global and China domain name industry like James Seng and former China Network Information Center (CNNIC) employees such as Eugene Li.

James Seng is one of the Internet pioneers in Singapore and is widely recognized as an international expert in numerous Internet areas. He is well known as the inventor of IDN and has co-chaired the IDN Working Group in IETF from 1999 to 2004, leading to the standardization of IDN.

Eugene Li, is the former Vice President of China Network Information Center (CNNIC). During his 7 years tenure at CNNIC, Eugene has launched initiatives that doubled domain name registrations and helped CNNIC become the no. 1 ccTLD and no. 2 TLD by volume. At the time when Eugene left to join Zodiac, CNNIC has over 13 million domain name registrations.

Under the vision and leadership of James Seng, with the support of angels, venture capital firm and family offices of approximately USD 20 million in place for the application and operation of the new gTLDs, Zodiac is seeking to become the first and largest privately held ICANN-approved TLD registry operator in Asia. It intends to operate TLDs that are centric to the Chinese culture.


[.时尚], pronounced as “shi shang” means “vogue” in Chinese. To the Chinese community, “STRING” is commonly used to convey the image of luxury and fashion. In China, there is a hunger and desire for anything fashionable and luxurious and this is apparent from the fact that China already has become the world’s second largest luxury market at about EUR 9.2 billion by 2010.


The Applicant expects “.STRING” to initially reach about 37,820 in the 1st year, and grow to 54,028 and 75,369 by the 2nd and 3rd year respectively.


The pricing for “.STRING” is intentionally set at similar price point to other gTLDs as the Applicant envisions “.STRING” to be widely adopted as the gTLD of choice for the Chinese Internet community."[3]

申请细节[edit | edit source]

黄道公司于2008年由James Seng在开曼群岛创立并参与到当时刚由ICANN发起的新通用顶级域名计划中。如今,该公司总部设在香港并在中国北京设有操作中心。这个公司由全球及中国范围内在域名行业内有非常经验的从业人员构成,其中包括James Seng 自己及前中国网络信息中心雇员Eugune Li.

James Seng 是新加坡的“网络先锋”之一并在国际上被广泛认可为互联网领域的专家。他擅长国际域名(IDN)开发并在1999至2004年期间担任国际域名工作组 (IDN Working Group)的联合主席。在他任职期间,国际域名注册标准得以完善。Eugene Li 是中国网络信息中心(CNNIC)的前副主席。在他7年任职期间,Eugene 启动了一些列项目并使域名注册量翻倍。在他的努力下,中国网络信息中心成为拥有最多国家代码顶级域名(ccTLD)及第二多顶级域名注册量的机构。当他加 盟黄道公司时,中国网络信息中心已拥有了超过1300万个域名注册。

在James Seng的理念及管理引导,天使投资人的支持,以及风险投资公司的共同作用下,黄道已为以其名义申请的新通用顶级域名筹集了将近2000万美金,包括前期申请及后期管理。黄道公司正力争成为亚洲第一个也是最大一个私人控股,并得到ICANN许可的顶级域名注册商。公司旨在经营那些对中国文化来说有很大涵义的顶级域名。




References[edit | edit source]