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Type: brand tld
Status: Active
Language: German
English version: "real estate"
Manager: Demand Media
Registry: Demand Media
PIC/RVC: Download Here
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.immobilien is an active Brand TLD that was proposed in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The Registry and manager of the TLD is Rightside/Demand Media (United TLD Holdco Ltd.).[1] The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 02 January, 2014.[2]

Application Excerpt[edit | edit source]

The following is excerpted from the applicant't response to question #18:

"The term “immobilien” is a generic and broadly used German word that holds particular affinity for people and organizations engaged in the development, licensing, leasing, and sale of real estate property. Global in scope, today a passionate group of millions of consumers, professionals and tens of thousands of organizations identify with this word. The mission and purpose of the .immobilien TLD is to establish an easily recognized and accessible namespace for the German-speaking portion of this large and dynamic group.

The .immobilien TLD is proposed by United TLD Holdco Ltd. (“United TLD”), a well-funded company established by highly experienced domain industry executives for the express purpose of securing the rights to operate a portfolio of TLDs that increase choice, expression, affinity and relevance for millions of consumers, businesses and other organizations on the web.

As outlined in our response to Qs. 46, 47 and 48, United TLD has a large capital base available to fund start-up costs, acquire the rights to operate multiple TLDs and operate the registries in a world-class manner. Additionally, United TLD has prefunded a Continued Operations Instrument (COI) to protect future registrants.

United TLD will be inclusive in its registration policies for this broad and generic TLD. We will not limit registrant eligibility for second-level registrations and will provide registration services to all legitimate registrants. However, we may elect to reserve and hold back certain strings from second-level registration at the time we launch the TLD.

We will not tolerate illegal activity in this TLD and will have strict policies and enforcement that provide for takedown or other appropriate forms of remedy. United TLD will adhere to and uphold all ICANN-required registration policies and comply with the requirements of the registration policy portion of the Registry Agreement."[3]

Contract Signed[edit | edit source]

On 07 November 2013, Demand Media received a Registry Agreement signed by ICANN for .immobilien after passing all the required processes needed to become a Registry Operator for the string.[4]

Delegation and Availability[edit | edit source]

.immobilien was delegated to the Root Zone of the DNS on January 2, 2014, completing the successful application for the string.[2]

References[edit | edit source]