Jessica Alice Rivers

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Jessica Alice RiversPortrait.jpg
Organization: ICANNWiki
Region: North America
Country: USA
Email: jessica [at]
Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 76 - Cancún playing card deck

Jessica Alice Rivers is a Content Editor for ICANNWiki.

Career History

In December 2020, Rivers became a Content Editor at ICANNWiki. Before that, she edited academic texts for Cactus Communications and AsiaEdit; researched and wrote grants for The Dartmouth Institute; lectured in the humanities and social sciences at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Leiden University, and Indiana University; and taught ESOL for University Settlement and Sakkara Language School.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

As an Internet end-user and ICANN novice, Rivers is especially interested in how the ALAC functions as a representative of the At-Large Community.


Rivers double-majored in English Literature and Hispanic Studies from the College of Charleston, received a master's degree in Humanities and Social Thought from New York University, and earned a doctorate in Communication and Culture from Indiana University.

Fun Fact

Rivers plays roller derby with the Ladies' Death and Derby Society, where she goes by "Cry Me (a River)."

ICANN76 Playing Card Illustration

Jessica is dressed in a salmon color, and she likes wolves so they're added to her armor. Jessica is in a fighting stance since she is a brawler. She knows BJJ, played rugby, and likes to put herself in dangerous situations. Also, there's a salmon-colored gem on a band around the forehead that gives her powers.