National and Regional IGF Initiatives
National and Regional IGF initiatives (NRIs) are independent formations for discussing issues pertaining to Internet Governance from the perspective of their respective communities, while acting in accordance with the main principles of the global IGF.[1]
List of National IGF Initiatives[edit | edit source]
- Afghanistan IGF
- Albania IGF
- Argentina IGF
- Armenia IGF
- Australia IGF
- Austria IGF
- Azerbaijan IGF
- Bangladesh IGF
- Barbados IGF
- Belarus IGF
- Benin IGF
- Bolivia IGF
- Bosnia and Herzegovina IGF
- Botswana IGF
- Brazil IGF
- Burkina Faso IGF
- Cabo Verde IGF
- Cameroon IGF
- Canada IGF
- Chad IGF
- Chile IGF
- China IGF
- Colombia IGF
- Costa Rica IGF
- Comoros IGF
- Côte d'Ivoire IGF
- Croatia IGF
- Czechia IGF
- Democratic Republic of the Congo IGF
- Dominican Republic IGF
- Denmark IGF
- Ecuador IGF
- El Salvador IGF
- Estonia IGF
- Finland IGF
- France IGF
- Gabon IGF
- Georgia IGF
- Germany IGF
- Ghana IGF
- Greece IGF
- Guatemala IGF
- Haiti IGF
- Honduras IGF
- Hungary IGF
- India IGF
- Indonesia IGF
- Italy IGF
- Japan IGF
- Kazakhstan IGF
- Kenya IGF
- Kyrgyzstan IGF
- Lesotho IGF
- Libya IGF
- Madascagar IGF
- Malawi IGF
- Maldives IGF
- Mali IGF
- Malta IGF
- Mauritius IGF
- Mexico IGF
- Moldova IGF
- Mozambique IGF
- Namibia IGF
- Nepal IGF
- New Zealand IGF
- Nigeria IGF
- North Macedonia IGF
- Pakistan IGF
- Panama IGF
- Paraguay IGF
- Peru IGF
- Poland IGF
- Portugal IGF
- Republic of Korea IGF
- Russia IGF
- Rwanda IGF
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines IGF
- Senegal IGF
- Serbia IGF
- Sierra Leone IGF
- Slovenia IGF
- Spain IGF
- South Africa IGF
- South Sudan IGF
- Sri Lanka IGF
- Sudan IGF
- Swiss IGF
- Tanzania IGF
- The Gambia IGF
- The Netherlands IGF
- Togo IGF
- Trinidad and Tobago IGF
- Tunisia IGF
- Uganda IGF
- Ukraine IGF
- United Kingdom IGF
- United States of America IGF
- Uruguay IGF
- Vanuatu IGF
- Venezuela IGF
- Zambia IGF
- Zimbabwe IGF
List of Regional IGF Initiatives[edit | edit source]
- African IGF
- Arab IGF
- Asia Pacific IGF
- Caribbean IGF
- Central African IGF
- Central American IGF
- Central Asian IGF
- East Africa IGF
- EuroDIG
- Hong Kong IGF
- Lusophone IGF
- Macao IGF
- Mano River Union IGF
- North African IGF
- Pacific IGF
- Quebec IGF
- Southeast Asia IGF
- Southern African IGF
- West Africa IGF
References[edit | edit source]
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