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So, While I haven't put up the examples of Glossary specific articles yet I have made an important change to your [[DNSSEC]] article, I added a section to specifically deal with ICANN's involvement with [[DNSSEC]]. While it is not conclusive, it gives some more context to how it affects the rest of ICANN.. I don't know how I feel about the sectioning, with the weird separation bar and all, but it still makes the article even better. So, in lieu of not having more examples, take these edits as making your own article that much more of an "example". Cool. More aids/examples to come tomorrow. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
So, While I haven't put up the examples of Glossary specific articles yet I have made an important change to your [[DNSSEC]] article, I added a section to specifically deal with ICANN's involvement with [[DNSSEC]]. While it is not conclusive, it gives some more context to how it affects the rest of ICANN.. I don't know how I feel about the sectioning, with the weird separation bar and all, but it still makes the article even better. So, in lieu of not having more examples, take these edits as making your own article that much more of an "example". Cool. More aids/examples to come tomorrow. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Yes, references will still be needed for the [[DNSSEC]] article. Ideally, every section should have at least one reference. I'll be sure to put that article on the example page once it has those. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Sorry to inundate you with all these tips/infos..but one example Glossary article is up. Its for a term that doesn't inspire a huge article. If you haven't noticed the first terms on your list are some of the most demanding and potentially lengthy articles... so the example may come in more handy as you move to the shorter terms. The example is linked off the community portal, keep checking back in the coming days as I try to get more up. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Yes, references will still be needed for the [[DNSSEC]] article. Ideally, every section should have at least one reference. I'll be sure to put that article on the example page once it has those. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]  
It seems that you may need to take a look at how to use reference tags. Check out any other article. the references are done like this.<ref>[http://icannwiki.org/Welcome_to_the_ICANNWiki_-_a_grassroots_industry_resource IcannWiki.org]</ref>
..that may have been confusing but I'm sure if you look at a page you'll get it.
On point. Also, finally have an article up on the community page about "How to make a good glossary article", and also added your DNSSEC article to the example page of good glossary articles with an explanation of why I think it succeeds. May help you in the future.[[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Small Reminder==
I appreciate your careful work, still going over your recent articles so I'll let you know if anything else comes- but at this point I only have one small reminder, Please add the category to the bottom of the glossary articles- this is done on your [[DNSSEC]] article if you need an example. Thanks! I'll be in touch.
I don't see any reason to get rid of the table in general, Even on short articles when it is inserted (when more than 2 sections are created, I believe) it seems to make the article look more complete. I like it aesthetically, but I'll be sure to ask Ray about it in the future. Thanks for the curiosity! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
We've come to the conclusion that the table of contents should be removed on shorter articles. It makes sense to help navigate big articles but since it is automatically created after a few sections are created it is often unnecessary. So, I think it would make sense to have it on your [[DNSSEC]] article but it should be removed on articles the size of the [[TLD]] article. Good instinct! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
It's '''great''' you asked. I appreciate your desire to reach out to clarify your understanding of the site and improve the site as you see fit. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Some Notes==
I've been following up on your research, though I haven't yet been able to do complete edits to your most recent articles. I've noticed some random discrepancies involving your references. Check out your article for [[Direct Navigation]], the first reference you use to support your definition is [http://directnavigation.com/] - this doesn't seem to be a site with any type of info to support your definition. Also, your article for [[Domain Kiting]] references the old glossary page on ICANNWiki.org, you may not have known but the ICANNWiki.org site will eventually be entirely wiped and redirected to the current site we are working on. So, while it is a great place to get started on your definition, please find another site to use as a reference.
You're really doing great work, I'm bringing up points to encourage you to keep up with the high standard you've set. I'll keep coming up with suggestions and tips because I think you're becoming a valuable contributor to the site. Thanks! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
It stands for the redemption grace period. A basic def. can be found here [http://www.icann.org/en/general/glossary.htm#R ICANN.org] - I have only had the chance to look at a few articles, as you can see, but I can tell how much work you are putting in to the articles. That is very good to see. These articles are difficult though, I can tell they are difficult to write, and I know they are difficult to edit. I have noticed you have a tendency to repeat yourself throughout an article, which is understandable given your desire to make the definition clear. Still, too much repetition takes away from the article. Ray and I will have to coordinate in order to get you some better feedback, as many of these terms are complex that I will also have to rely on his expertise. We'll be in touch! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Don't worry about the VWorker deadline. The def. for SO can be found at the same link I gave you. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Editing Process==
Hey Dana, I hope all is well. I know you're waiting to be cleared for payment and more work, and I'm trying to do my best to finish up my edits so that can happen. I am about half way through your batch. So far I have identified a few pages that need more work, either they need reference attention or just felt like certain sections could be stronger. If you wanted to try and fix these while I was finishing the rest of the edits we could get you approved more quickly. Let me know if you have questions, I know some of my notes are a little vague. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Thanks for the update regarding your vacation, I hope you have a great time - Barcelona is a really incredible city. As far as the edits go, it is not a negative thing at all. I know that we left you pretty much on your own when determining what to include in each article, and you've done a great job overall. However, the part you've completed is only the first step- though it is also the majority of the work. The second step is just clarifying points that could use clarification, or strengthening areas of the articles that feel somewhat weak. I will help you with any questions you may have with this part of the process, and I myself am working to incorporate more material/ formatting and grammar edits/ and identifying areas of improvement. Working together will make this second step better for both of us! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
: I'm sure you're going to have a super time.  You may enjoy reading the book [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_of_the_Wind Shadow of the Wind] since it was set there and you can explore some of the places mentioned in the book, not to mention that it was a great read.  [[User:Ray|Ray]]
Brief explanations/ feedback can be found next to the articles which will need more work. If the article is totally okay and has been edited, it has my initials (AM) next to it. If there is an issue there is a quick explanation, if these are too vague let me know and I'll clarify what I'm looking for. If there is nothing next to the term then this means I have yet to read and edit the article. I will try to get my colleague to help me finish editing your batch in the next 30 hours. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
How about you just add your initials (in bold maybe) at the end of the comment sentence. Do this whenever you have addressed the issues to the best of your ability. Some of these notes are also for my own reference, so if something doesn't make sense to you (Like Redirect to ___ page) then ask, because it might not be something you are prepared to fix.
Caterina and I have finished editing your articles. We've made notes on the articles that need to be readdressed - be in contact with any questions[[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
The changes look good so far. Thanks [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Thanks for all your work on completing the pages, I'll clear you with Ray for payment. I will take care of the remaining issues as I know there isn't much time before you leave on your vacation. You should re-visit the pages I fix after you get back so you will understand the issues before proceeding to another batch. We would be glad to have you work on another 50 articles when you get back, though this time we will likely assign you to "People" articles- which are easier but generally pay less. Let us know when you're back from Barcelona and I will provide you with more details. Have fun, enjoy the Sangria! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Welcome Back!==
I hope the vacation went well, it's good to see you back on the site. Please keep a running list of the articles your working on/complete in your designated section on the [http://icannwiki.com/index.php/Articles_needed articles needed] page. I'll likely be editing your articles as you go, and not waiting for you to finish completely. Good to have you back![[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
To all writers: Can you start marking the very top of each and every page you work on with <span style="color:#ff0000"><big>'''UNDER CONSTRUCTION'''</big></span>, when Caterina, Ray, or myself have edited and checked off on the page we will remove it. Thanks! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
'''UPDATE''': We've created an image that will make the "Under Construction" process easier: Please insert <nowiki>[[Image:UnderConstruction.png]]</nowiki> as the first text in every article you make. Thanks for putting up with the notes as we perfect this process. Be well, Stay in touch, [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==References Example==
== Wedding pic ==
Did you not like my pic of [[Robert Connelly]]'s wedding?
Hi Ray! Sorry, I did not know that you put it there. i uploaded another picture, and noticed another picture uploaded. You can put it back, I like it better. It's just that I did not know where it came from:D Sorry!
==Getting Back to you==
Sorry I took so long to respond! We do not have a set limit for how large an article should be, we only want to reflect the amount of information available for a person. So, we hope to have AT LEAST a decent paragraph...and then from there it is up to how much information is available. If this person is prolific, works a lot with ICANN, has a long career history, then the article will be longer. If we can only find out where they work, then that is all we have... Does that make sense?
As far as not finding certain information, it is not a problem as long as it is information that can truly not be found! If it's not public knowledge on the Internet then we can't stress about it.[[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Thanks for the update. I'm just getting back to the site after a long weekend. I'll be sure to begin editing your stuff shortly and report any issues. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
== Franky ==
I think mostly goes by "Frank" ... you can use the "move" command to rename the article [[User:Ray|Ray]]
Hi Ray! I made the change as you told me, I used the feature "move" - checked how it works and changed it:D Thanks for telling me about this change. [[User:Dana]]
==Editing People Batch==
So I've begun to edit your batch. Please follow along and make the corrections noted in your section of the "Articles Being Worked On" page... So far they mostly have to do with caricature problems/ reference issues. I've come across a bit of copying and pasting already, and although it does seem that you try to make your writing somewhat different than the original some of it has been too similar. Please keep an eye on this. I am removing the table to contents for all normal sized articles. Let me know about any questions you may have.[[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Hi! Please do tell me how I fix caricature problems.. If there is no caricature available, what should I do? Thanks, Dana
==Technical Difficulties==
Can you run a test? Can you try and insert in an external link to a given page, try it on my page: [[Andrew Merriam]], and just insert a link to any external site. You should get the "captcha" box where you type in some garbled words to prove your a human being and then the link should go through. Does this work for you? Can you see the captcha box? One of our writers is not able to see the captcha box so if you could please run this test asap and get back to me on my talk page that'd be great. Thanks! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Hi!Yes, the capctcha box appears:)
Thanks for doing that captcha test! So, regarding caricatures. If the caricature was on the old site you need to download it (save it to your computer), then upload it on the site, and then include it in the caricature section of the people template. SO! If [[Barbara Simmons]] had a caricature on the old site, you would transfer it over just as you did the picture. If she didn't have a picture, then you add in CaricatureComing.jpg (In the field marked caricature in the template) and that will bring up a text box which says exactly that. Make sense? I'm going to keep doing down your list and marking any issues before going back to the ones you've marked as fix. Thanks for your quick attention to these matters! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Hi! I know how to add caricature, but did not know about "CaricatureComing.jpg" - thanks! I will make the necessary changes!
Great. I'm just going to keep a running list of things to keep in mind for the future, but overall your doing a good job. Holler if any of this needs to be clarified[[User:Andrew|Andrew]]:
#  Try to stay neutral calling someone a "visionary entrepreneur" or a "highly skilled expert" can be subjective. It's better to keep it basic unless we know for sure that most people consider the person "visionary" or "highly skilled", that is, just call them an entrepreneur!
# For most people articles the Table of Contents should be removed. It automatically appears after multiple sections are created, but is generally just unnecessary. to remove it write <nowiki>__NOTOC__</nowiki> at the very bottom of the page. those lines are TWO underscores ( _ ).
# Try to keep the people articles focused on the people themselves and not their companies. The companies should, sooner or later, have their own page so it is unnec. to write about them on the people profile. If what the company does or is known for helps clarify the work the individual is involved in, then please include it. But if it is just general background that doesn't really add anything about how the person is involved, then leave it out.
# In general I think that a person's education should come to the end of their profile. We hope that people use these these profiles to learn about an idnividual before they have a meeting with them, so their education is good background but it is some of the least important stuff. Go with Current work Experience, then Prior Work Experience, Important other things (achievements), then education.
# Very small point: When making a header it is best to keep all major words capitalized, so "Professional Experience" would never be "Professional experience".. This is not a big deal and It means nothing for me to fix it, but I get the impression that you are interested in improving all of your written English, so I mention this only for your own personal interest in English. :)
# RE References: You generally explain what your reference is for, which is great, but it is even more important to explain where/what it is. So check out your article for [[Ken Bour]], you have 3 references listed "Past Experiences", "Experiences at ICANN", And "linkedIn Job experience" - I like the last reference most because it explains both where it is on the internet (LinkedIn) and what you got from it (Job experience). The first is the most important, so please always reference the site, and also if there are specific sections on the page then you can clarify "Job experience", etc.
Ok, thanks for the feedback, I will try to keep an objective perspective, I make mistakes sometimes:) I will also add the NOTOC thing. Keep in touch! Dana
Hi Andrew! thanks a lot for the feedback, I appreciate it and I will definitely take it into account. I will keep in mind the things you mentioned regarding the education section, I will avoid using the wikipedia references and I will also make sure to use major words capitalized. If needed, I will make these modifications, because I do not want to make you spend too much time with these modifications as , most probably, you have other important issues to take care :) please let me know if there are any other issues. When you will finish giving feedback I will try to finish the changes and then you can take a 2nd look. Thanks once again for the feedback and advice! Dana
Oh, one more thing: I also created the page "Stephen Smith" - but did not included in the list of articles (because I did not find any information on that person as there are too many Stephen Smith.... and I did not know how to delete the page) - so please delete the page Stephen Smith. Thanks! Dana
==I'm back==
Ah! Sorry to have left you and your work hanging for two days. I promise to have the remaining articles done today, and I also hope to take a quick look back through the ones you've fixed to make sure my comments made sense. I see no reason that you won't be approved and paid very shortly. I assume you would want/be able to do another 50 people articles after that? How does that sound? [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Hi Andrew! No problem, I understand:) Well, I already opened a new project with Ray for a new batch of 50 articles. I hope I will find enough people to write about.I will take into account all your observations and feedback for the new batch. Keep in touch! Dana
*Remember that it is TWO underscores on each side of the NOTOC command, sorry if this was unclear earlier it's <nowiki>__NOTOC__</nowiki>  thanks![[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
--> Andrew, should I write __NOTOC__ for all articles? Because for some articles you already wrote "AM" so that it's good articles.. should I change for all articles? Please let me know if yes and I will make the changes. Thanks, Dana.
Hi Dana, please make note of the change in process for keeping track of your batches. There is a note on the [[Articles needed]] page explaining what is different. Thanks. [[User:Caterina|Caterina]]
==Current Work==
Hola, So I'm going through your edits now, and turning up fewer issues but I still will be marking out some final notes. Please pay attention to these. Also, I haven't noticed any sign of your new batch on your user page, as you begin work on the new batch keep track of it there. Thanks, [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Style Guidelines==
I've been updating the [[Style Guidelines]] to specifically address issues that our new writers face, please take a look at it and let me know of any suggestions you have. Also I'd like to bring to all of our writers' attention the section on Forwarding Links:
"It is the writer's responsibility to wipe the old pages from icannwik.ORG and create links to the new icannwiki.COM. An example of this can be seen [http://icannwiki.org/Patrick_Kane here]. Explain in similar terms that the site is moving, that this particular article has been moved, and then point to it with a link. Something like: "'''ICANNWiki.org is being moved to ICANNWiki.com, this article has already been moved can can be found [(link) here]'''."
Hi Andrew! I will make these changes from now on myself, I already did for the articles uploaded today. Hope I did it ok:) keep in touch! Dana
Also, please take note of the note below, it also addresses the procedure for wiping and linking from the old site that we will expect from everyone from now on. Thanks for you attention to this, we're trying to get a clearer system in place so please follow these new rules as you continue working. Thanks for your patience as we get this all systemized and explained! So,:
'''The wiped page should contain the disclaimer & link to the new site but it should also contain the category "ICANNWiki.com" (with that exact spelling and capitalization). As you know, the formatting for this is: <nowiki>[[Category:ICANNWiki.com]]</nowiki>. This is the only category that the wiped pages need, it should no longer contain a "People" category. This will help us to track our progress of moving over the old site.'''
==Company Template Changes==
Hi writers,We've updated the Company template. Please make note of the changes, and pay attention to the specific formatting. We'd like the appearance of the template to be as standardized as possible. Do not delete empty fields, as they will not show up anyway. I have gone through all of the old company articles and changed them to the new template.
==Batch Editing==
Great! Many of those look very good, I will be editing them over the next few days and will be in contact with you regarding the editing process. Thanks. (Also, don't worry about the under construction sign for the completed batch, but please keep it in mind for next time!) [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
* In general, you do not need to explain the source, by saying something like: "According to the updated information from IANA...". If the source is interesting/questionable/otherwise special feel free to explain it, but one important reason we use references is to explain the source.
*Please always begin the article with the person's '''bolded''' name.
* It's more exciting to read when you don't repeat the person's name the same way over and over again. "Andrew Mack is __" ..."Andrew Mack did___"..."Andrew Mack founded ___" is too much of the full name. Try to use pronouns (He) and titles ("Mr. Mack") Along with their first name when appropriate. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
* The stamps you often see on Linked In profiles don't nec. denote a real organization. For example,[http://www.linkedin.com/pub/frederic-donck/5/785/703 Fred], has a "linked ICANN" stamp, this is not an actual group but rather a social connection for the linked in site itself. These do not usually need to be used, unless it shows they participate in a real organization, like ICANN.
===What is "Stub"===
Hi Andrew! Thanks for the feedback, I may have forgotten to bold the name in some articles, will be more careful. Regarding the name, I will also make sure it will not repeat so much, you are right:)
However, I wanted to known what "Stub" is because I noticed you added for some articles? Thanks, Dana
Stub denotes an article that is short or otherwise lacking enough substance (no references). We are noticing there are more of these as we get close to finishing off the .org site. This time they will count towards your 50, but in the future we will be paying a lower rate for stubs. I will update you further before you start your next batch! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Ok, I understand now. Even if there is little content I have to admit I spend at least half an hour for each person because I tried in every possible way to track down the person... Thanks for your answer. Dana
I have finished editing your batch. There are few issues with the articles, and I've marked out the areas that need correcting. Ignore the notes that say "photo?" and "unverifiable information". These are reminders for myself. Thanks for all the hard work! I can tell you really did try to find as much info as possible. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
i Andrew! Glad you are satisfied with the work, then all the time spent it was worth it:) I will make the necessary changes as I will be away for the weekend. If after I make the changes there will be any other issues, I will fix them on Monday. Thanks for everything. Dana
Hi Andrew! I have made the necessary changes, please check them. If you could also talk to Ray to escrow the payment this weekend so that I could receive the money, it would be great. I will be off for the weekend. If there are any other changes required, I will make them on Monday. Thanks, Dana!
I will be finishing up your recent batch today. There are no people articles to be moved from .org, if you are interested in another batch please be patient as we organize new projects.
Hi Andrew! Thank you for the articles, I received the list and will start working on them right away. I will get back to you if I encounter any issues with remembering how to work on the platform. Thank you, Dana!
== Batch 4 ==
Hi Andrew,
I have worked on the articles, finished 20, but did not publish them yet.
I have a few questions please help me so that I can organise my work:
- an article about Matt Serlin already existed. Do you want me to verify the information and remake it? Or, will you give me another topic instead?
- in the discussion we had on vWorker I said that I will provide the articles within 2 weeks time after I will receive the topics. This would mean that the deadline for the articles would be on Wednesday, 29th of February (2 weeks after the 15th) and on vworker the deadline is the 27th. Can I finish the work on Wednesday?
Thank you for your help! I will upload more articles today.
Best regards,
Ah, I just saw your reply on vworker. Thank you! Dana
==Under Construction==
Please make sure that EVERY page you are working on begins with an "under construction" image, do this by adding <nowiki>[[Image:UnderConstruction.png]]</nowiki> to the beginning of every article. Please do this for every article you have worked on thus far, thank you. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Batch 4 Update==
Hy Andrew. I have made the necessary modifications. Please let me know if there is anything else i need to change. Everything is going well and the articles will be ready before the deadline.
==Work Complete Batch 4==
Hy Andrew. I just wanted to let you know work is done. I've had some issues with the article regarding Tim Berners Lee. I have edited the text but when i save it part of it doesn't appear in the read mode. However when you click on edit, it is there. Please tell me how to mend it or what my mistake was. Hope you are satisfied with the work and if there are any problems please let me know.
Please remember that I am not notified when you write on your own discussion page, you must write on my page. Also, I'm just starting to edit but I want to stress that ICANNWiki is NOT ICANN, your article on Kevin Wilson shows him as an employee of ICANNWiki... there is a big difference there! Please stay posted as we will probably ask you to edit/add some things.
Here is a running list of other points:
* Please do not use our own website as a source, we generally insist on external sources
* We like to stay as neutral as possible, so there is no need to talk about someone's "accomplished" career or use any other adjectives that denote a value judgement.
* Please always do your best to rewrite the material and not copy and paste from any source.
* Please don't delete the empty lines/fields of the template that you do not fill out. If there is no text there the prompt will not appear in the final version. This way we can always easily add more information if one of the fields is blank and that information is found later.
* After implementing a reference, it is necessary to explain that reference while still in the brackets. So, it would be something like this <nowiki><ref>[www.reference.com One Space Then Explain, reference.com]</ref></nowiki> To show you that with a real site: <nowiki><ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/06/technology/as-new-ipad-debut-nears-some-see-decline-of-pcs.html?hp New iPad Debuts Some See Decline of PC, NYTimes.com]</ref></nowiki> iF you do not do this then the reference never appears named but instead is just a number, this way you know where the material is without clicking on the link.
* Categories are to be implemented at the bottom of the page, it seems you have not been adding <nowiki>[[Category:People]]</nowiki> to the bottom of people pages, and erroneously adding <nowiki>[[Category:Glossary]]</nowiki> to the bottom of company pages, which should have <nowiki>[[Category:Companies]]</nowiki>, registrars also get <nowiki>[[Category: Registrar]]</nowiki>. A list of all the categories can be seen [http://icannwiki.com/index.php/Category:Browse here]
* The companies you are working on are never Regional Internet Registries.
==Batch 4 update==
Hello, i understand the requirements and i will make the necessary changes starting tomorrow.
== Batch 4 update 2 ==
Hi Andrew,
I finished making the changes in the articles.
Please have a look and let me know if they are ok now and if I have to make any further changes.
== ref for Domain Kiting ==
Hi Dana,
You created [[Domain Kiting]] with a reference which is now expired: [http://www.sans.org/security-resources/security_plus/domain_kiting_sp08.php Domain Kiting and Check Kiting]. Unfortunately the archive.org has no copy of that either. It is always good practice to make the archive load any page one intents to use as reference.
Is there any other page that could be used? --[[User_talk:Manorainjan|'''<span style="color: orange;">Manorainjan</span>''']] 09:07, 30 January 2017 (PST)

Latest revision as of 17:07, 30 January 2017


Hi Dana, Welcome to the site. I work with Ray out in Portland as an editor for the site. Please come to me with any questions regarding formatting/ content/ references/ anything! I know you're going to be tackling the glossary terms, which will be a big help. I'll be putting together some example pages for this type of article- and will hope to have that available to you shortly. Until then, feel free to start figuring things out. Andrew

Testing Testing

Great work at jumping right into a complex article. I feel like you covered a lot of important ground and showed some good decision making with the way you set up the page. One important issue: Reference(s)! I'll expect that you can add references to reflect where you received your information from for this page and all future pages. Great work and initiative. Andrew

So, While I haven't put up the examples of Glossary specific articles yet I have made an important change to your DNSSEC article, I added a section to specifically deal with ICANN's involvement with DNSSEC. While it is not conclusive, it gives some more context to how it affects the rest of ICANN.. I don't know how I feel about the sectioning, with the weird separation bar and all, but it still makes the article even better. So, in lieu of not having more examples, take these edits as making your own article that much more of an "example". Cool. More aids/examples to come tomorrow. Andrew

Sorry to inundate you with all these tips/infos..but one example Glossary article is up. Its for a term that doesn't inspire a huge article. If you haven't noticed the first terms on your list are some of the most demanding and potentially lengthy articles... so the example may come in more handy as you move to the shorter terms. The example is linked off the community portal, keep checking back in the coming days as I try to get more up. Andrew


Yes, references will still be needed for the DNSSEC article. Ideally, every section should have at least one reference. I'll be sure to put that article on the example page once it has those. Andrew

It seems that you may need to take a look at how to use reference tags. Check out any other article. the references are done like this.[1]

..that may have been confusing but I'm sure if you look at a page you'll get it.


On point. Also, finally have an article up on the community page about "How to make a good glossary article", and also added your DNSSEC article to the example page of good glossary articles with an explanation of why I think it succeeds. May help you in the future.Andrew

Small Reminder

I appreciate your careful work, still going over your recent articles so I'll let you know if anything else comes- but at this point I only have one small reminder, Please add the category to the bottom of the glossary articles- this is done on your DNSSEC article if you need an example. Thanks! I'll be in touch.


I don't see any reason to get rid of the table in general, Even on short articles when it is inserted (when more than 2 sections are created, I believe) it seems to make the article look more complete. I like it aesthetically, but I'll be sure to ask Ray about it in the future. Thanks for the curiosity! Andrew

We've come to the conclusion that the table of contents should be removed on shorter articles. It makes sense to help navigate big articles but since it is automatically created after a few sections are created it is often unnecessary. So, I think it would make sense to have it on your DNSSEC article but it should be removed on articles the size of the TLD article. Good instinct! Andrew

It's great you asked. I appreciate your desire to reach out to clarify your understanding of the site and improve the site as you see fit. Andrew

Some Notes

I've been following up on your research, though I haven't yet been able to do complete edits to your most recent articles. I've noticed some random discrepancies involving your references. Check out your article for Direct Navigation, the first reference you use to support your definition is [1] - this doesn't seem to be a site with any type of info to support your definition. Also, your article for Domain Kiting references the old glossary page on ICANNWiki.org, you may not have known but the ICANNWiki.org site will eventually be entirely wiped and redirected to the current site we are working on. So, while it is a great place to get started on your definition, please find another site to use as a reference.

You're really doing great work, I'm bringing up points to encourage you to keep up with the high standard you've set. I'll keep coming up with suggestions and tips because I think you're becoming a valuable contributor to the site. Thanks! Andrew


It stands for the redemption grace period. A basic def. can be found here ICANN.org - I have only had the chance to look at a few articles, as you can see, but I can tell how much work you are putting in to the articles. That is very good to see. These articles are difficult though, I can tell they are difficult to write, and I know they are difficult to edit. I have noticed you have a tendency to repeat yourself throughout an article, which is understandable given your desire to make the definition clear. Still, too much repetition takes away from the article. Ray and I will have to coordinate in order to get you some better feedback, as many of these terms are complex that I will also have to rely on his expertise. We'll be in touch! Andrew

Don't worry about the VWorker deadline. The def. for SO can be found at the same link I gave you. Andrew

Editing Process

Hey Dana, I hope all is well. I know you're waiting to be cleared for payment and more work, and I'm trying to do my best to finish up my edits so that can happen. I am about half way through your batch. So far I have identified a few pages that need more work, either they need reference attention or just felt like certain sections could be stronger. If you wanted to try and fix these while I was finishing the rest of the edits we could get you approved more quickly. Let me know if you have questions, I know some of my notes are a little vague. Andrew

Thanks for the update regarding your vacation, I hope you have a great time - Barcelona is a really incredible city. As far as the edits go, it is not a negative thing at all. I know that we left you pretty much on your own when determining what to include in each article, and you've done a great job overall. However, the part you've completed is only the first step- though it is also the majority of the work. The second step is just clarifying points that could use clarification, or strengthening areas of the articles that feel somewhat weak. I will help you with any questions you may have with this part of the process, and I myself am working to incorporate more material/ formatting and grammar edits/ and identifying areas of improvement. Working together will make this second step better for both of us! Andrew

I'm sure you're going to have a super time. You may enjoy reading the book Shadow of the Wind since it was set there and you can explore some of the places mentioned in the book, not to mention that it was a great read. Ray

Brief explanations/ feedback can be found next to the articles which will need more work. If the article is totally okay and has been edited, it has my initials (AM) next to it. If there is an issue there is a quick explanation, if these are too vague let me know and I'll clarify what I'm looking for. If there is nothing next to the term then this means I have yet to read and edit the article. I will try to get my colleague to help me finish editing your batch in the next 30 hours. Andrew

How about you just add your initials (in bold maybe) at the end of the comment sentence. Do this whenever you have addressed the issues to the best of your ability. Some of these notes are also for my own reference, so if something doesn't make sense to you (Like Redirect to ___ page) then ask, because it might not be something you are prepared to fix.

Caterina and I have finished editing your articles. We've made notes on the articles that need to be readdressed - be in contact with any questionsAndrew

The changes look good so far. Thanks Andrew

Thanks for all your work on completing the pages, I'll clear you with Ray for payment. I will take care of the remaining issues as I know there isn't much time before you leave on your vacation. You should re-visit the pages I fix after you get back so you will understand the issues before proceeding to another batch. We would be glad to have you work on another 50 articles when you get back, though this time we will likely assign you to "People" articles- which are easier but generally pay less. Let us know when you're back from Barcelona and I will provide you with more details. Have fun, enjoy the Sangria! Andrew

Welcome Back!

I hope the vacation went well, it's good to see you back on the site. Please keep a running list of the articles your working on/complete in your designated section on the articles needed page. I'll likely be editing your articles as you go, and not waiting for you to finish completely. Good to have you back!Andrew


To all writers: Can you start marking the very top of each and every page you work on with UNDER CONSTRUCTION, when Caterina, Ray, or myself have edited and checked off on the page we will remove it. Thanks! Andrew

UPDATE: We've created an image that will make the "Under Construction" process easier: Please insert [[Image:UnderConstruction.png]] as the first text in every article you make. Thanks for putting up with the notes as we perfect this process. Be well, Stay in touch, Andrew

References Example

Wedding pic

Did you not like my pic of Robert Connelly's wedding? Hi Ray! Sorry, I did not know that you put it there. i uploaded another picture, and noticed another picture uploaded. You can put it back, I like it better. It's just that I did not know where it came from:D Sorry!

Getting Back to you

Sorry I took so long to respond! We do not have a set limit for how large an article should be, we only want to reflect the amount of information available for a person. So, we hope to have AT LEAST a decent paragraph...and then from there it is up to how much information is available. If this person is prolific, works a lot with ICANN, has a long career history, then the article will be longer. If we can only find out where they work, then that is all we have... Does that make sense?

As far as not finding certain information, it is not a problem as long as it is information that can truly not be found! If it's not public knowledge on the Internet then we can't stress about it.Andrew


Thanks for the update. I'm just getting back to the site after a long weekend. I'll be sure to begin editing your stuff shortly and report any issues. Andrew


I think mostly goes by "Frank" ... you can use the "move" command to rename the article Ray Hi Ray! I made the change as you told me, I used the feature "move" - checked how it works and changed it:D Thanks for telling me about this change. User:Dana

Editing People Batch

So I've begun to edit your batch. Please follow along and make the corrections noted in your section of the "Articles Being Worked On" page... So far they mostly have to do with caricature problems/ reference issues. I've come across a bit of copying and pasting already, and although it does seem that you try to make your writing somewhat different than the original some of it has been too similar. Please keep an eye on this. I am removing the table to contents for all normal sized articles. Let me know about any questions you may have.Andrew

Hi! Please do tell me how I fix caricature problems.. If there is no caricature available, what should I do? Thanks, Dana

Technical Difficulties

Can you run a test? Can you try and insert in an external link to a given page, try it on my page: Andrew Merriam, and just insert a link to any external site. You should get the "captcha" box where you type in some garbled words to prove your a human being and then the link should go through. Does this work for you? Can you see the captcha box? One of our writers is not able to see the captcha box so if you could please run this test asap and get back to me on my talk page that'd be great. Thanks! Andrew

Hi!Yes, the capctcha box appears:)

Thanks for doing that captcha test! So, regarding caricatures. If the caricature was on the old site you need to download it (save it to your computer), then upload it on the site, and then include it in the caricature section of the people template. SO! If Barbara Simmons had a caricature on the old site, you would transfer it over just as you did the picture. If she didn't have a picture, then you add in CaricatureComing.jpg (In the field marked caricature in the template) and that will bring up a text box which says exactly that. Make sense? I'm going to keep doing down your list and marking any issues before going back to the ones you've marked as fix. Thanks for your quick attention to these matters! Andrew

Hi! I know how to add caricature, but did not know about "CaricatureComing.jpg" - thanks! I will make the necessary changes!

Great. I'm just going to keep a running list of things to keep in mind for the future, but overall your doing a good job. Holler if any of this needs to be clarifiedAndrew:

  1. Try to stay neutral calling someone a "visionary entrepreneur" or a "highly skilled expert" can be subjective. It's better to keep it basic unless we know for sure that most people consider the person "visionary" or "highly skilled", that is, just call them an entrepreneur!
  2. For most people articles the Table of Contents should be removed. It automatically appears after multiple sections are created, but is generally just unnecessary. to remove it write __NOTOC__ at the very bottom of the page. those lines are TWO underscores ( _ ).
  3. Try to keep the people articles focused on the people themselves and not their companies. The companies should, sooner or later, have their own page so it is unnec. to write about them on the people profile. If what the company does or is known for helps clarify the work the individual is involved in, then please include it. But if it is just general background that doesn't really add anything about how the person is involved, then leave it out.
  4. In general I think that a person's education should come to the end of their profile. We hope that people use these these profiles to learn about an idnividual before they have a meeting with them, so their education is good background but it is some of the least important stuff. Go with Current work Experience, then Prior Work Experience, Important other things (achievements), then education.
  5. Very small point: When making a header it is best to keep all major words capitalized, so "Professional Experience" would never be "Professional experience".. This is not a big deal and It means nothing for me to fix it, but I get the impression that you are interested in improving all of your written English, so I mention this only for your own personal interest in English. :)
  6. RE References: You generally explain what your reference is for, which is great, but it is even more important to explain where/what it is. So check out your article for Ken Bour, you have 3 references listed "Past Experiences", "Experiences at ICANN", And "linkedIn Job experience" - I like the last reference most because it explains both where it is on the internet (LinkedIn) and what you got from it (Job experience). The first is the most important, so please always reference the site, and also if there are specific sections on the page then you can clarify "Job experience", etc.

Ok, thanks for the feedback, I will try to keep an objective perspective, I make mistakes sometimes:) I will also add the NOTOC thing. Keep in touch! Dana

Hi Andrew! thanks a lot for the feedback, I appreciate it and I will definitely take it into account. I will keep in mind the things you mentioned regarding the education section, I will avoid using the wikipedia references and I will also make sure to use major words capitalized. If needed, I will make these modifications, because I do not want to make you spend too much time with these modifications as , most probably, you have other important issues to take care :) please let me know if there are any other issues. When you will finish giving feedback I will try to finish the changes and then you can take a 2nd look. Thanks once again for the feedback and advice! Dana

Oh, one more thing: I also created the page "Stephen Smith" - but did not included in the list of articles (because I did not find any information on that person as there are too many Stephen Smith.... and I did not know how to delete the page) - so please delete the page Stephen Smith. Thanks! Dana

I'm back

Ah! Sorry to have left you and your work hanging for two days. I promise to have the remaining articles done today, and I also hope to take a quick look back through the ones you've fixed to make sure my comments made sense. I see no reason that you won't be approved and paid very shortly. I assume you would want/be able to do another 50 people articles after that? How does that sound? Andrew

Hi Andrew! No problem, I understand:) Well, I already opened a new project with Ray for a new batch of 50 articles. I hope I will find enough people to write about.I will take into account all your observations and feedback for the new batch. Keep in touch! Dana

  • Remember that it is TWO underscores on each side of the NOTOC command, sorry if this was unclear earlier it's __NOTOC__ thanks!Andrew

--> Andrew, should I write for all articles? Because for some articles you already wrote "AM" so that it's good articles.. should I change for all articles? Please let me know if yes and I will make the changes. Thanks, Dana.


Hi Dana, please make note of the change in process for keeping track of your batches. There is a note on the Articles needed page explaining what is different. Thanks. Caterina

Current Work

Hola, So I'm going through your edits now, and turning up fewer issues but I still will be marking out some final notes. Please pay attention to these. Also, I haven't noticed any sign of your new batch on your user page, as you begin work on the new batch keep track of it there. Thanks, Andrew

Style Guidelines

I've been updating the Style Guidelines to specifically address issues that our new writers face, please take a look at it and let me know of any suggestions you have. Also I'd like to bring to all of our writers' attention the section on Forwarding Links:

"It is the writer's responsibility to wipe the old pages from icannwik.ORG and create links to the new icannwiki.COM. An example of this can be seen here. Explain in similar terms that the site is moving, that this particular article has been moved, and then point to it with a link. Something like: "ICANNWiki.org is being moved to ICANNWiki.com, this article has already been moved can can be found [(link) here]."

Hi Andrew! I will make these changes from now on myself, I already did for the articles uploaded today. Hope I did it ok:) keep in touch! Dana

Also, please take note of the note below, it also addresses the procedure for wiping and linking from the old site that we will expect from everyone from now on. Thanks for you attention to this, we're trying to get a clearer system in place so please follow these new rules as you continue working. Thanks for your patience as we get this all systemized and explained! So,:

The wiped page should contain the disclaimer & link to the new site but it should also contain the category "ICANNWiki.com" (with that exact spelling and capitalization). As you know, the formatting for this is: [[Category:ICANNWiki.com]]. This is the only category that the wiped pages need, it should no longer contain a "People" category. This will help us to track our progress of moving over the old site.

Company Template Changes

Hi writers,We've updated the Company template. Please make note of the changes, and pay attention to the specific formatting. We'd like the appearance of the template to be as standardized as possible. Do not delete empty fields, as they will not show up anyway. I have gone through all of the old company articles and changed them to the new template.

Thanks, Caterina

Batch Editing

Great! Many of those look very good, I will be editing them over the next few days and will be in contact with you regarding the editing process. Thanks. (Also, don't worry about the under construction sign for the completed batch, but please keep it in mind for next time!) Andrew

  • In general, you do not need to explain the source, by saying something like: "According to the updated information from IANA...". If the source is interesting/questionable/otherwise special feel free to explain it, but one important reason we use references is to explain the source.
  • Please always begin the article with the person's bolded name.
  • It's more exciting to read when you don't repeat the person's name the same way over and over again. "Andrew Mack is __" ..."Andrew Mack did___"..."Andrew Mack founded ___" is too much of the full name. Try to use pronouns (He) and titles ("Mr. Mack") Along with their first name when appropriate. Andrew
  • The stamps you often see on Linked In profiles don't nec. denote a real organization. For example,Fred, has a "linked ICANN" stamp, this is not an actual group but rather a social connection for the linked in site itself. These do not usually need to be used, unless it shows they participate in a real organization, like ICANN.

What is "Stub"

Hi Andrew! Thanks for the feedback, I may have forgotten to bold the name in some articles, will be more careful. Regarding the name, I will also make sure it will not repeat so much, you are right:)

However, I wanted to known what "Stub" is because I noticed you added for some articles? Thanks, Dana

Stub denotes an article that is short or otherwise lacking enough substance (no references). We are noticing there are more of these as we get close to finishing off the .org site. This time they will count towards your 50, but in the future we will be paying a lower rate for stubs. I will update you further before you start your next batch! Andrew

Ok, I understand now. Even if there is little content I have to admit I spend at least half an hour for each person because I tried in every possible way to track down the person... Thanks for your answer. Dana

I have finished editing your batch. There are few issues with the articles, and I've marked out the areas that need correcting. Ignore the notes that say "photo?" and "unverifiable information". These are reminders for myself. Thanks for all the hard work! I can tell you really did try to find as much info as possible. Andrew

i Andrew! Glad you are satisfied with the work, then all the time spent it was worth it:) I will make the necessary changes as I will be away for the weekend. If after I make the changes there will be any other issues, I will fix them on Monday. Thanks for everything. Dana

Hi Andrew! I have made the necessary changes, please check them. If you could also talk to Ray to escrow the payment this weekend so that I could receive the money, it would be great. I will be off for the weekend. If there are any other changes required, I will make them on Monday. Thanks, Dana!


I will be finishing up your recent batch today. There are no people articles to be moved from .org, if you are interested in another batch please be patient as we organize new projects.

Hi Andrew! Thank you for the articles, I received the list and will start working on them right away. I will get back to you if I encounter any issues with remembering how to work on the platform. Thank you, Dana!

Batch 4

Hi Andrew, I have worked on the articles, finished 20, but did not publish them yet.

I have a few questions please help me so that I can organise my work: - an article about Matt Serlin already existed. Do you want me to verify the information and remake it? Or, will you give me another topic instead? - in the discussion we had on vWorker I said that I will provide the articles within 2 weeks time after I will receive the topics. This would mean that the deadline for the articles would be on Wednesday, 29th of February (2 weeks after the 15th) and on vworker the deadline is the 27th. Can I finish the work on Wednesday?

Thank you for your help! I will upload more articles today. Best regards, Dana

Ah, I just saw your reply on vworker. Thank you! Dana

Under Construction

Please make sure that EVERY page you are working on begins with an "under construction" image, do this by adding [[Image:UnderConstruction.png]] to the beginning of every article. Please do this for every article you have worked on thus far, thank you. Andrew

Batch 4 Update

Hy Andrew. I have made the necessary modifications. Please let me know if there is anything else i need to change. Everything is going well and the articles will be ready before the deadline.

Work Complete Batch 4

Hy Andrew. I just wanted to let you know work is done. I've had some issues with the article regarding Tim Berners Lee. I have edited the text but when i save it part of it doesn't appear in the read mode. However when you click on edit, it is there. Please tell me how to mend it or what my mistake was. Hope you are satisfied with the work and if there are any problems please let me know.

Please remember that I am not notified when you write on your own discussion page, you must write on my page. Also, I'm just starting to edit but I want to stress that ICANNWiki is NOT ICANN, your article on Kevin Wilson shows him as an employee of ICANNWiki... there is a big difference there! Please stay posted as we will probably ask you to edit/add some things. Andrew

Here is a running list of other points:

  • Please do not use our own website as a source, we generally insist on external sources
  • We like to stay as neutral as possible, so there is no need to talk about someone's "accomplished" career or use any other adjectives that denote a value judgement.
  • Please always do your best to rewrite the material and not copy and paste from any source.
  • Please don't delete the empty lines/fields of the template that you do not fill out. If there is no text there the prompt will not appear in the final version. This way we can always easily add more information if one of the fields is blank and that information is found later.
  • After implementing a reference, it is necessary to explain that reference while still in the brackets. So, it would be something like this <ref>[www.reference.com One Space Then Explain, reference.com]</ref> To show you that with a real site: <ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/06/technology/as-new-ipad-debut-nears-some-see-decline-of-pcs.html?hp New iPad Debuts Some See Decline of PC, NYTimes.com]</ref> iF you do not do this then the reference never appears named but instead is just a number, this way you know where the material is without clicking on the link.
  • Categories are to be implemented at the bottom of the page, it seems you have not been adding [[Category:People]] to the bottom of people pages, and erroneously adding [[Category:Glossary]] to the bottom of company pages, which should have [[Category:Companies]], registrars also get [[Category: Registrar]]. A list of all the categories can be seen here
  • The companies you are working on are never Regional Internet Registries.

Batch 4 update

Hello, i understand the requirements and i will make the necessary changes starting tomorrow.

Batch 4 update 2

Hi Andrew,

I finished making the changes in the articles. Please have a look and let me know if they are ok now and if I have to make any further changes.

Thanks, Dana

ref for Domain Kiting

Hi Dana, You created Domain Kiting with a reference which is now expired: Domain Kiting and Check Kiting. Unfortunately the archive.org has no copy of that either. It is always good practice to make the archive load any page one intents to use as reference. Is there any other page that could be used? --Manorainjan 09:07, 30 January 2017 (PST)