Revision as of 14:54, 14 September 2015 by Dustin Loup (talk | contribs)
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Domain Privacy is a service provided by registrars that prevents registrants' information from being listed in the WHOIS database. Registrars most commonly provide anonymity to the registrant by registering domains by proxy, listing the companies details in the WHOIS and providing a forwarding service, satisfying ICANN's requirement that each registered domain provides contact information, including name, address, email, phone numbers and administrative and technical contents.

Recently, the issue of Domain Privacy policy has become hotly contested, primarily concerning when privacy and proxy services are allowed to be used. Certain stakeholders such as the law enforcement community, maintain that domains used for commercial transactions should be prohibited from using domain privacy services. Others in the ICANN community are vehemently opposed to this proposal, citing the importance of privacy for law-abiding internet users.
Related: RAA - WHOIS - GNSO

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