Stephanie Perrin

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Affiliation: Digital Discretion
Country: Canada


LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Stephanie Perrin
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @how5

Stephanie Perrin is a data protection expert and the President of Digital Discretion, a privacy consulting firm.[1] She is a Non-commercial Stakeholders Group's representatives on the GNSO Council at ICANN, and has volunteered with the organization since 2013.[2] In her GNSO SOI (Statement of Interest), Perrin expressed that she was pursuing PhD candidacy at the University of Toronto, focusing on privacy issues within ICANN.[3] According to her LinkedIn, Perrin specializes in "Privacy, data protection, access to information, Canadian and international data protection law and policies, international standards, risk management, government policy, values and ethics, civil society and the information society."

ICANN Involvement[edit | edit source]

Working Groups:[edit | edit source]

  • Privacy/Proxy Service Accreditation Issues WG (PPSAI)
  • GNSO review team
  • Experts Working Group on directory services for gTLDs. (past) (EWG)
  • Next generation RDS policy PDP (GNSO-RDS) (Until ICANN61)

Education[edit | edit source]

Perrin graduated from Carleton University with an MA in English literature.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Digital Discretion's Our Team Page. Retrieved 10 Apr 2018.
  2. Stephanie Perrin's LinkedIn Page. Retrieved 10 Apr 2018.
  3. ICANN GNSO SOI. Retrieved 10 Apr 2018.