Nominating Committee

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The ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) is in charge of selecting all ICANN officers except the Director, and those positions selected by other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees, as set forth by ICANN's Bylaws. The NomCom is designed to operate independently from the Board, the Supporting Organizations, and Advisory Committees, and members of the NomCom are to act purely on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community as a whole. [1]

Members[edit | edit source]

The NomCom is made up of:

  1. A non-voting Chair, appointed by the ICANN Board;
  2. The immediately previous NomCom Chair, as a non-voting advisor;
  3. A non-voting liaison appointed by the Root Server System Advisory Committee;
  4. A non-voting liaison appointed by the Security and Stability Advisory Committee;
  5. A non-voting liaison appointed by the GAC;
  6. Five voting delegates selected by ALAC;
  7. Two voting delegates, one representing small business users and one representing large business users, selected by the Business Users Constituency of the GNSO;
  8. One voting delegate from the gTLD Registry Constituency of the GNSO;
  9. One voting delegate from the gTLD Registrars Constituency of the GNSO;
  10. One voting delegate from the Internet Service Providers Constituency of the GNSO;
  11. One voting delegate from the Intellectual Property Constituency of the GNSO;
  12. One voting delegate from the consumer and civil society groups, selected by the Non-commercial Users Constituency of the GNSO;
  13. One voting delegate from the ccNSO;
  14. One voting delegate from the Council of the Address Supporting Organization;
  15. One voting delegate from an entity designated by the Board to represent academic organizations;
  16. One voting delegate from the Internet Engineering Task Force;
  17. One voting delegate from the ICANN Technical Liaison Group;
  18. A non-voting Associate Chair, who is appointed by the Chair to help carry out the Chair's duties. The Associate Chair may not serve in place of the Chair under any circumstances, and may not otherwise be a member of the NomCom.[2]

Members of the NomCom Board of Directors (the non-voting members) each serve a term of 3 years. Members appointed from ALAC and the GNSO each serve a term of 2 years. Members from the ccNSO each serve a term of 3 years.[3] The Associate Chair may be appointed or removed from position at any point by the Chair.[4]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]