ISPs and Connectivity Providers Constituency

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ISPCP (ISPs and Connectivity Providers) Constituency is part of the Generic Name Supporting Organization (GNSO). Its primary role is to fulfill roles and responsibilities set forth by the ICANN and GNSO Bylaws, rules or policies and activities.

Responsibilities[edit | edit source]

ISPCP Constituency is expected to effectively represent the views and interest of the internet service providers ensure that the needs and concers of the ISPs are balance with the public interest and elect three member representatives to the Names Council and one representative to the ICANN Nominating Committee. ISPCP is committed in maintaining a wide range pf membershipship participation and transparency.[1]

Executive Committee Functions and Staff[edit | edit source]

The Constituency has an executive committee which performs the following functions:[2]

  • Review applications for membership in the ISPC
  • Carry out the administrative functions related with ISPCP operations such as scheduling meetings and preparation and publication of minutes, maintain suitable ways to facilitate contact and disseminate information to its members regarding activities, events and other functions undertaken by the secretariat
  • facilitate and formulate membership consensus on policy issues to provide advise to the Names Council and other ICANN bodies
  • Assess and collect membership fees

Members of the Executive Committee include:

References[edit | edit source]