The Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO) is one of the five RALOs that make up the ALAC constituency within ICANN. It provides news, resources, and information for individuals and end-user groups in the Latin American region, including Central America and the Caribbean, who are interested in ICANN.[1]
Board Members[2] | ALS | Location | Term |
Humberto Carrasco, Chair | Asociacion de Derecho e Informatica de Chile | Chile | AGM 2017- AGM 2018 |
Maritza Aguero Minano, Secretariat | Peruvian Internet Users Association - AUI PERU | Peru | AGM 2017-AGM 2018 |
Nominating Committee (NomCom) Delegate from LACRALO[edit | edit source]
Jose Ovidio
2017AGM - 2018AGM