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Olivier Crepin-Leblond

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Olivier Crepion-Leblond is the current chair of ICANN's ALAC, and also acts as a European ALAC representative.[1] He has been involved with the Internet for over 20 years, and in that time it has shaped his life, and he, in turn, has been active in the Internet's development.[2] Oliver is a general IT consultant, and has been running Global Information Highway Ltd., since 1995.[3]

A more exhaustive biography can be found here; an exhaustive CV can be found here.

ICANN & Industry Involvement edit

Mr. Crepin-Leblond has been attending every ICANN meeting since the 2008 Paris meeting; this is due to his heavy involvement in a variety of areas. In 2010 he was on the NomCom; and since the 2010 meeting in Brussels he has acted as the secretary of EURALO. He became the chair of the ALAC at the end of the December, 2010 meeting in Cartagena.[4] Olivier participated in the Special Trademark Issues Review Team from September to December, 2009; he also participated in the cross-constituency working group, the Rec6 Working Group, which was dedicated to creating possible ICANN procedures and policies related to offensive new TLDs.[5]

Olivier is a member of ISOC's Nominating Commitee. He acted as an ISOC Ambassador at IGF 2009, at Sharm El Sheikh;[6] and also at the 2010 IGF in Vilinus, Lithuania.[7]

Groups and Associations edit

Throughout his career, Oliver has been part of many groups and organizations, both educational and company based which include:[8]

Career edit

Olivier has been advised the UK government on virus issues, and consulted with developing nations establishing an Internet presence. He has published a number of oft-cited articles and been asked to submit articles and chapters to anthologies. In the early 90s he was involved in establishing a UK-based Web Development company, it became one of the largest such companies in the country and went on to sell for 10s of millions of pounds a decade later.

He founded Mobile Emporium Ltd., in 1997, and sold it in 2000. One of Mr.Crepin-Leblond's ventures was based in the Twin Towers, which were infamously attacked in 2001; the venture did not continue on past the attack.

He has led special forums, related to his work with ISOC, regarding IPv6.[9]

Education edit

Oliver earned a Bachelor of Engineering with honors in Computer Systems and Electronics while attending Kings College in London in 1999; a specialized Master's in Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management from SKEMA Business School in 2007; and a PhD in telecommunications from Imperial College London in 1997.[10]

References edit