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At-Large Structures

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Revision as of 15:10, 18 July 2014 by Simoncousins (talk | contribs)


At-Large Structures (ALSes) are independent and self-supporting organizations within ICANN's At-Large Community, which aim to represent the voice of individual Internet users all over the world. ALSes provide an avenue for every Individual Internet user to take part in all the issues discussed within ICANN.

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is responsible for evaluating, processing and certifying the applications of any group that are interested to become an At-Large Structures after the criteria set forth by ICANN for ALSes is met.[1] At present, there are 153 ALSes worldwide.[2]

Regional At-Large Organizations[edit | edit source]

The different At-Large Structures are geographically located and affiliated with the five Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs), which are:[3]

Every RALO has a Chairman and Secretariat and conducts a yearly general assembly and regular monthly teleconferences to discuss and develop the position of the individual internet users community from each region in conjunction with the every current ICANN policy issues.

Criteria for At-Large Structures[edit | edit source]

Different types of groups, such as professional societies, academic and research organizations, community networking groups, consumer advocacy groups, internet society chapters,computer user organizations and internet civil society groups are qualified to become At Large Structure, as long as they are able to fulfill the minimum criteria established by ICANN, which include:

  • The ability to display its commitment to supporting the participation of individual Internet users in ICANN by disseminating information, offering Internet based mechanisms to enable discussions regarding important ICANN activities, issues and policy development, discussions and decisions.
  • It must be constituted to ensure that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries will predominate the ALS operation within the geographic region where the ALS is based. The ALS may allow additional participation of others if compatible with the interests of the individual Internet users within the region.
  • The group must Be self-supporting.
  • The group must post its goals, structures, membership description, working strategies, leadership and contacts on a publicly accessible website such as the ALAC's website or elsewhere on the Internet.
  • Must assist the RALO in performing its function.[4]

ATLAS II[edit | edit source]

The Second At-Large Summit, or ATLAS II, was held in London in conjunction with ICANN 50 - London. The summit brought together representatives from various At-Large Structures to learn and debate ICANN policies, share information, and experience an ICANN meeting. The attendees represent Internet end-users, and many had never experienced an ICANN meeting before. The goal of the meeting was to discuss, reach consensus, and draft reports on five issues: 1) the Future of Multistakeholderism, 2) the Globalization of ICANN, 3) Global Internet: the User Perspective, 4) ICANN Transparency and Accountability, and 5) At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN.[5]

Chinese Version of this page[edit | edit source]

ALS[edit | edit source]

互联网公众组织(At-Large Structures,简称ALS)是ICANN互联网公众社团内独立自主的组织。设立ALS,是为了反映全球各地互联网用户的意见。通过ALS,全世界所有个人互联网用户都可以参与ICANN的事务讨论。 任何组织团体,只要有志成为ALS,都可以提交认证申请。公众组织顾问委员会(At-Large Advisory Committee,简称ALAC)根据ICANN指定的标准规范[1]对每份申请进行评估、处理和认证。目前全球共有153个ALS [2]。

区域性互联网公众机构[edit | edit source]

根据所在的地理位置,现有的ALS被划分为5个区域性互联网公众机构(Regional At-Large Organizations,简称RALO),包括:[3]


ALS评审标准[edit | edit source]


  • 能够通过扩散消息、提供网络渠道等方式长期支持个人互联网用户参与ICANN的重大活动、论题、政策制定、讨论、决策等。
  • 必须保证其所在区域的居民及公民在日常运营中占据主导地位。在与本地个人互联网用户利益不冲突的前提下,可适当允许其他区域的用户加入。
  • 在经济上必须独立。
  • 必须在互联网上(如ALAC网站)公布其使命目标、组织结构、成员情况、工作策略、领导阶层、联系方式等信息。
  • 必须协助RALO工作。[4]

ATLAS II[edit | edit source]

第二次互联网公众组织峰会(简称ATLAS II)与ICANN第50届大会同期在伦敦召开。来自世界各地的ALS共同商讨ICANN的政策,分享信息,参与ICANN大会。与会者代表了互联网终端用户,其中许多人从未参与过任何ICANN会议。峰会的主旨是针对五大问题发起讨论、达成共识、总结报告: 1. 多利益相关者主义(Multistakeholderism)的未来; 2. ICANN的全球化; 3. 用户眼中的全球互联网; 4. ICANN的透明度与问责制; 5. 互联网公众组织对ICANN事务的参与度。[5]

References[edit | edit source]