Domain Tasting
Domain Tasting is the practice whereby registrants use the free five-day “grace period” at the beginning of ICANN's registration process to test the marketability of that specific domain name.
The Process
Domain tasters use this practice because they want to sell and make a profit on the domain names at a later date. Thus, domain tasters are looking for domain names with a high ROI (return on investment).
The domainers carefully monitor the activity on each website and once the five day "grace period" is over they keep only the websites that generate the largest clickthrough profit with respect to the clickthrough rate.
Domain Tasting vs. Domain Kiting
There are also cases when domainers repeatedly register, then cancel the domain and re-register the domain in order to avoid paying any fees while making profit from advertisements. This process is different from domain tasting, and is known as Domain Kiting.
ICANN and Domain Tasting
ICANN, being the organization that regulated the DNS (Domain Name System) announced their proposal to cancel the grace period for registration. Even if the cost per domain name is not significant for a legitimate registrant, this may affect the domain taster due to a high number of names being monitored, because domain taster rely on volume to earn profit.
According to the researches of ICANN at the beginning of 2007 the top ten domain tasters were responsible for 95% of all deleted domain names. [1]
According to the research of ICANN from 2009 the peak on a monthly basis for domain tasting reached thee leevel of 15 million domain names. Once the $0.20 fee was set for registration, the value aof domain tasting dropped a lot by reach 2 million per month.
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