
Revision as of 22:47, 13 July 2015 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs) (Updated General Availability information and active status.)

Type: geotld
Status: Active
Country: Ireland/International
Manager: Dot-Irish LLC
Registry: Afilias
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.irish is a proposed new geographical TLD to ICANN's New gTLD Program by Dot-Irish LLC, a privately held company interested in applying for the TLD to become its registry operator. The .irish string is intended to promote the brand and provide a unique online space for the Irish people, business culture and organizations in Ireland and around the world.[1] It was delegated to the Root Zone of the DNS on the 2nd December, 2014, completing the successful application for the string.[2] The TLD reached General Availability on June 25, 2015. [3]

Application Details edit

The following is excerpted from the applicant's response to question #18:

"The Irish Diaspora is a community widespread in number, but strong in identity and cultural history. Our research has shown that while there are approximately 6 million people on the island of Ireland, there are nearly 80 million people worldwide that identify themselves as Irish.

With respect to the country-code Dot-Ie (.Ie), we believe it will continue to serve a valuable purpose as the top-level domain specifically for registered businesses and people located in the Republic of Ireland. However, we believe that people will find value in .Irish, both in the Republic of Ireland and throughout the Irish Diaspora.

Our consultations with Irish businesses, political and regulatory officials, charitable and cultural organizations, members of the ICANN community and more have confirmed the demand and appreciation for the concept of .Irish.

“I am excited for the creation of .Irish. I believe there is a widespread demand in Ireland and elsewhere for a TLD that communicates Irishness to the world. I know many of my customers will want one.”

-Michele Neylon, Managing Director of Blacknight ICANN Accredited Registrar, Ireland

The .Irish top-level domain will have several benefits to Internet users at its outset and will develop additional uses as time moves forward. As with many new top-level domains, the ability for Irish organizations and companies to register shorter and more meaningful domain names under .Irish will create positive implications for search and simple, easy tools for marketing. Businesses, groups and individuals that associate with being Irish will have the opportunity to clearly identify themselves as such.

“As a director of a major charity organization that operates between the United States and Ireland, I come across business owners, professionals and individuals every day that identify with the brand. I am very excited to be a part of this, and I know a lot of my contacts will want to get involved.”

-Patrick Tully National Director, American Ireland Fund Young Leaders Society

“In the Irish tourism business, we thrive on promoting heritage, family history and the unique tradition and culture of the Irish people. My company will certainly benefit from the ability to register a domain name with .Irish.”

Keith Charlton Co- Founder, Bunk Campers

Dot-Irish LLC has identified several compelling initiatives that could become valuable services or technologies in years to come. These opportunities include, but are not limited to social and business networking, genealogy and heritage programs, travel and tourism, charitable initiatives, economic or business services and much more.

Dot-Irish LLC intends to develop, promote and encourage programs that could enhance the connectivity and experiences of Irish peoples. A few of these services may be developed internally or in partnership with other organizations, and we expect many to be created and developed by other people or organizations that recognize the value potential.

Dot-Irish LLC is committed to establishing the .Irish domain space in a way that promotes innovative technologies, services and programs that benefit Irish culture, heritage and people. We intend to continue networking and taking consultations with appropriate people and organizations before and after launch in order to ensure the development of a quality TLD.


Dot-Irish LLC intends to operate the .Irish top-level domain under a coherent, transparent and sustainable process to minimize social costs and maximize the value for its audience and Internet users. The registry will correspond and comply with ICANN to incorporate the best practices and policies available. We will also coordinate with appropriate Irish bodies and organizations to ensure and maintain a quality domain in keeping with Irish culture and heritage. Wherever possible, we will contribute our thoughts, ideas and initiatives in a constructive manner to improve these processes.

ICANN has indicated over time a series of consensus policies for new gTLD applicants to incorporate into their registration policies. It is our intention to monitor and comply with policies set by ICANN, and to contribute to the formation of a fair, professional and transparent process.

It is also our understanding that many of these policies are subject to modifications, particularly as a result of issues that may be generated from the new gTLD application process in 2012. As a potential registry operator, we have reviewed the current public information, and taken numerous professional consultations to ensure that we will be able to comply with these policies in a timely manner at the appropriate stages.

We will also remain open and responsive to prospective registrants and intend to develop initiatives to encourage participation at the appropriate stages. In this regard, our applications have already been compiled or reviewed to varying extents by Loeb and Loeb LLP, attorneys at law, Edward White & Co., LLP, certified public accountants, our registry services provider Afilias and TLD Assets LLC. A number of other former ICANN staff, registries and registrars, companies and consultants in a number of fields have also informally contributed to our understanding of the New gTLD Program and the appropriate policies."[4]

Contract signed edit

On the 7th August 2014, TLD Assets (Dot-Irish LLC) received a Registry Agreement signed by ICANN for .irish after passing the Initial Evaluation.[5]

Delegation edit

.irish was delegated to the Root Zone of the DNS on the 2nd December, 2014, completing the successful application for the string.[6]

References edit