Wataru Ohgai

Revision as of 13:40, 16 May 2023 by Jessica (talk | contribs)
Organization: WIDE Project
Affiliation: Keio University
Region: Asia
Country: Japan
Email: alt [at] sfc.wide.ad.jp

LinkIcon.png   Portfolio (Japanese)

Blog: https://blog.jj1lfc.dev
Facebook: Facebook.png   Wataru Ohgai
Google+: alt@jj1lfc.dev
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @jj1lfc
Github: GitHub Icon.png   Github.com/JJ1LFC

Wataru Ohgai (aka Alt) is a graduate student at the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University in Fujisawa, Japan. He also is a Chair of Email WG at WIDE Project. His proficiency is DNS, Security of DNS, Security using DNS and Email. He joined ICANN 76 for the first time ICANN meeting as an ICANN Fellow from JPNIC.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

Technical Activities

  • Member, WIDE Project
    • Member, Team of WIDE Internet Operators
      • Member, ccTLD/ccSLD Operation Subteam
    • Chair, Email WG
  • Graduate student, Jun Murai Lab, Keio University
  • Graduate student, Satoru Tezuka Lab, Keio University


  • Bachelor's degree (Mar. 2018 - Aug. 2022), Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Japan
  • Master's degree (Sep. 2022 - current), Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan