Priyatosh Jana

PriyatoshJan PenSketch.png
Affiliation: ISOC, Fellowship Program
Region: Asia
Country: India
Facebook: Facebook.png   Priyatosh Jana
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Priyatosh Jana
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @Priyatoshjana

Priyatosh Jana is the Vice President of ISOC India Kolkata Chapter, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, a Facilitator of ICT for Education, and an Internet Governance Enthusiast.

Early Life

Priyatosh Jana was born in a remote village in West Bengal State, India. He did his Secondary and Higher Secondary Schooling at the Village School. After that, he shifted to the District town for a Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) in Computer Science with Honours.

He attended SRM University, Chennai, India for a Master of Technology (M.Tech.) Specialization in Computer Science and Engineering, Alagappa University, Tamilnadu, India for Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, India for his Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computer Science.


Priyatosh Jana presently is a Vice President of ISOC India Kolkata Chapter and Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering(Cyber Security) at Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal India. He was the former Lecturer of Computer Science at Shivaji Science College, Nagpur, India.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

  • First edition of Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG), 2016 at Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Participated in IETF98 asISOC Kolkata Fellow at Chicago, USA.
  • India School on Internet Governance (inSIG), 2018 as inSIG Fellow at New Delhi,India.
  • Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2018) as Internet Society 2018 IGF Ambassadors Fellow at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
  • North American School of Internet Governance 2019 as NASIG Fellow in Montreal, Canada.
  • Participated in ICANN 66 as ATLAS III Funded Travelers at Montreal, Canada.
  • Participated in ICANN 70 as ICANN Fellows in Cancún, Mexico.
  • Participated in ICANN 74 as ICANN Fellows in The Hague, Netherlands.
  • Selected to participate in ICANN77 as ICANN Fellows to be held June 2023 in Washington D.C, USA
  • Selected to participate in APrIGF 2023 as APrIGF2023 Fellow to be held August 2023 in Brisbane, Australia

He has attended and organized Seminars and workshops on Internet Governance and Technology related events. He has been an Invited Speaker for capacity Building on Digital Inclusion, Accessibility & Empowerment, Internet Governance, and ICT for Education towards a secured Digital Society.

Jana has not restricted himself only to conventional regular academic exercises. Presently he is associated with several professional bodies.

His motivation is to become a facilitator of Internet Governance and Technology-based events locally, regionally, globally, and particularly in Asia-Pacific.

Membership in Professional Societies


  • Vice President (Membership) at Internet Society(ISOC), India Kolkata Chapter.
  • Instrumental role as Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for SWAYAM - NPTEL Local Chapter of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) designed National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for certification.
  • Remote Center Coordinator of National Mission on Education through ICT(NMEICT, Govt. of India).
  • Virtual Lab Nodal Center Coordinator.


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