Education: University of Lund, Sweden, 1983-86, Information Technology. Additional University studies in Law, Intelligence analysis and Methodology in the fields of Political Theory.

Country: Sweden
Email: brumark[at]
LinkedIn:    [Par Brumark Par Brumark]

Par Pär Brumark, age 54,Sweden. Since 2010 adviser to The Government of Niue and also Niue ICANN GAC Representative. In spite of Niue´s small population the Pacific nation´s ccTLD .nu has about 280 000 domains registered internationally (primarily in Scandinavia and the Netherlands).

Pär Brumark has a background in Technology, Intellectual Property, IT-Security, Media industry and Public Relations. He is also politically active in the Swedish Liberal Party (Liberalerna) and a Board Member of Liberalerna Malmö since 2016. He was also a Liberal Party nominee for the Swedish Parliament in National elections 2014.

Currently working as an adviser

As GAC Representative, Pär Brumark has attended the ICANN meetings; ICANN 47- Durban, ICANN 48- Buenos Aires, ICANN 49- Singapore, ICANN 50 - London, ICANN 51- Los Angeles, ICANN 52- Singapore, ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires, ICANN 54 - Dublin, ICANN 55 - Marrakech, ICANN56 - Helsinki and due to attend ICANN57 - Hyderabad.

Pär Brumark is also since 2014 one of five ICANN GAC Appointed Members of the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability WS1:

As a CCWG Member Pär Brumark on a weekly basis attends The ICANN CCWG/sub group Adobe Connect meetings as well as the CCWG Face-to-Face meetings (Frankfurt, Singapore, Istanbul, Paris, Los Angeles and Dublin). Pär Brumark participates in several Sub and Working Groups connected to the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability.

Pär Brumark is also a Member of The ICANN GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG).

Pär Brumark is currently a nominee for GAC Vice-chair. Elections are due to take place at the ICANN57 meeting in Hyderabad, India, November 2016: ink: