Eric Osiakwan

Country: Ghana
Email: emko[at]

Eric M. K. Osiakwan has been involved with AfrISPA since 2002,[1] and is currently its Executive Secretary.[2] He is also the Director of Internet Research, which is a consulting firm for ISPs and other entities interested in ICT development. Mr. Osiakwan's Internet Research company acts as the secretariat for the Ghana Internet Service Providers Association.[3]

Other Roles

  • Visiting Fellow, Stanford University and Reuters Foundation Digital Vision Program
  • Project Co-ordinator, UC Berkeley TIER Group in Ghana
  • Affiliate, Berkman Centre for Internet and Society at the Harvard Law School
  • Consultant, WorldBank’s Information for Development program on Open Access for Africa
  • Consultant, UNDP Ghana
  • Contributor, Tony Blairs’ Commission for Africa
  • Co-Author, “The Internet in Ghana”
  • Associate, Spintrack AB, Sweden
  • Associate, Balancing Act, UK

He was previously a board member for the Free and Open Source Foundation for Africa.[4]


  1. ICANN40 Interview
  4. ICANN40 Interview