Education: University of Lund, Sweden, 1983-86, Information Technology. Additional University studies in Law, Intelligence analysis and Methodology in the fields of Political Theory at the University of Lund.

Country: Sweden
Email: brumark[at]
LinkedIn:    [Par Brumark Par Brumark]

Par Pär Brumark, age 54,Sweden/Niue. Since 2010 adviser to The Government of Niue and also Niue ICANN GAC Representative. In spite of Niue´s small population the Pacific nation´s ccTLD .nu has about 280 000 domains registered internationally.

Pär Brumark has a background in Technology, Intellectual Property, IT-Security, Media industry and Public Relations. He is also politically active in the Liberal Party (Liberalerna) and a Board Member of Liberalerna Malmö since 2016. He was also a Liberal Party nominee in the Swedish Parliament National elections 2014.

As GAC Representative, Pär Brumark has attended the ICANN meetings; ICANN 47- Durban, ICANN 48- Buenos Aires, ICANN 49- Singapore, ICANN 50 - London, ICANN 51- Los Angeles, ICANN 52- Singapore, ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires, ICANN 54 - Dublin, ICANN 55 - Marrakech, ICANN56 - Helsinki and due to attend ICANN57 - Hyderabad.

Pär Brumark is also since 2014 one of five ICANN GAC Appointed Members of the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability WS1:

As a CCWG Member Pär Brumark on a weekly basis attends The ICANN CCWG/sub group Adobe Connect meetings as well as the CCWG Face-to-Face meetings. Pär Brumark participates in several Sub and Working Groups connected to the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability.

Pär Brumark is also a Member of The ICANN GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG):

Pär Brumark is currently a nominee for GAC Vice-chair. Elections are due to take place at the ICANN57 meeting in Hyderabad, India, November 2016: ink: