Dirk Krischenowski

Revision as of 20:04, 13 May 2011 by Andrew (talk | contribs)
Country: Germany
Email: krischenowski [at] dotberlin.de

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Dirk Krischenowski is the founder and CEO of dotBerlin, Partner at HOTEL Top-Level-Domain GmbH and Founder and Partner at DOTZON.[1]

Career History edit

Dirk started his career in various marketing and sales positions, leading national and international pharmaceutical companies. Apart from his marketing duties, he focused on developing global e-business solutions and developing business models for health portals while working for leading European media companies like Bertelsmann.[2][3] He was also a member of the European Commission e-Business W@tch Advisory Board. He is a frequent speaker at e-Business and domain strategy conferences and teaches on a regular basis about virtual communities at the Institute of Electronic Business in Berlin (IEB).

TLD initatives edit

In 2000, Dirk started working on the idea of a top level domain (.berlin) for the community of Berlin, and in 2005 he founded dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG with Alexander Schubert.[4]

In 2009, together with the top-level domain initiatives of the City of Paris, the City of Barcelona and initiatives in New York and Hamburg, Dirk founded the cityTLD Interest Group, which aims to become a registered interest group at international forums and city organizations such as Metropolis, UCLG and ICANN. Recently cityTLD initiatives from Rome, Cologne, London, Tokyo and Seoul joined the group.[5]

Education edit

He has a master of science in biochemistry and BA in business administration from Technische Universität in Berlin.[6]

References edit