Affiliation: KICTANet
Country: Kenya


Facebook:    Liz Orembo
LinkedIn:    [Elizabeth Orembo Liz Orembo]
Twitter:    @@lizorembo
Featured in the ICANN 57 - Hyderabad playing card deck

Liz Orembo is a fellow at the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) working on research and advocacy on Internet freedoms including Freedom of expression, Information and privacy and trains journalists on digital security. As part of the ICANN community, she is part of the RPM review working group. Orembo is also part of the ISOC Kenya chapter.

She is also an ICANN 55 Marrakesh NextGen@ICANN member. [1]

Involvement in ICANN edit

Ambassador: NextGen@Icann 57

Working Group: Rights Protection Mechanism for the New gTLDs

Career edit

Researcher - East Africa Internet Freedoms

Associate - KICTANet[2]

Other Involvements: Kenya IGF Working Group. Coordinating the Kenya School of Internet Governance. ICANN ans ICANN Wiki outreach in East Africa.

Education edit

Orembo received her BA Communications from the University of Nairobi.

References edit