Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse

Type: Non profit Organization
Industry: Internet
Founded: 2007
Founder(s): Josh Bourne
Phil Lodico
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.
Country: USA
Blog: CADNA Blog
Key People
Josh Bourne,co-founder & President
Phil Lodico, co-founder

CADNA is an acronym for 'Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse a non profit organization dedicated in fighting against illegal cyber activities, domain name abuse particularly cybersquatting.

Background edit

FairWinds Partners co-managers Josh Bourne and Phil Lodico together with several brand owners such as Dell Inc., Yahoo Inc. and Marriott International Inc. established the organization in 2007. The organization's main objective is to campaign for the legislation of the Anti-cybersquatting Protection Act. The organization hired Alston and Bird LLP law firm to work in lobbying with the members of the United States Congress to pass the law.CADNA is also campaigning for the policy reforms within the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.[1] [2]

Specific Objectives edit

CADNA aims to achieve the following specific objectives:[3]

  • Reduction of online infringements on all top level domains (TLDs) and the introduction of new and irrelevant TLD
  • Preventing cybercrime and cybersquatting practices by increasing penalties
  • Creating a manageable online infringement monitoring and enforcement strategies for trademark owners to protect consumers effeciently
  • Implementation of ICANN policies that prevent registrants who conducts domain abuses
  • Educating elected officials regarding domain-related policy reform that will improve consumer safety

Membership edit

The member organizations of CADNA are owners of several global brands. They jointly believe in the significance of online brands and trademarks protection. These organizations are represented by individuals who are expert in the field of Trademark Counsel, Online Marketing, Corporate and Government Affairs and Risk Management.A complete list of CADNA's membership can be found here

Comments on ICANN edit

The Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse openly criticized the current ICANN structure and claimed that the international internet governing body abandoned some of its decision-making power and were taken over by some of the stake holders within the ICANN commity that are profiting from domain names. The organization actively participates in the activities of ICANN particularly in providing its comments on policy issues to represent the interests of businesses and consumers.[4]

CADNA provided comments on numerous issues discussed by the ICANN community particularly the latest issue on the implementation of the new gTLD expansion program, which was scheduled to take effect on January 2012. During the development process of the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook, CADNA has been active in submitting its public comments and recommendations.The organization recommended the following revisions to the Draft Application Guidebook Version 4:[5]

  • Intellectual Property Should Be the Priority in Background Checks- CADNA expressed that it is interested to know the about the selection criteria and detailed information of the agency that will be chosen to conduct background checks. Checking the history of intellectual property violations should be the top priority of background checks.
  • ICANN Should Require Proof of Good Standing- CADNA argued that it is necessary to require applicants to prove their good standing early on to prevent waste of time and resources.
  • Whois Requirements Should be Uniform- The organization reiterated that ICANN should be specific in its rules and ensure the maintenance of an accurate Whois Database.
  • Mandatory Sunrise Period Should Not Hold Domain Names Hostage- CADNA recognized the importance of the Sunrise period and suggested that domain names should not be offered on a very high price. Registries should prioritize trademark owners to register their domain names and it should be too expensive.
  • Trademark Clearinghouse Should be More than a Database- CADNA proposed that ICANN needs to review further the purpose of the Clearinghouse as a mechanism for the protection of trademarks and not just a mere repository for information.
  • Certain Clearinghouse Services Should be Limite- Entities who will be given the right to access the data services of the Clearinghouse should be clarified by ICANN. In addition, the organization suggested ICANN to develop and implement to guard data and guarantee its exclusive use by relevant trademark owners.
  • The Term "text mark" Should be Clearly Defined- CADNA asked ICANN to clarify what constitutes a text mark.
  • Cost Should be Shared by Stakeholders- CADNA emphasized that the beneficiaries of the Trademark Clearinghouse are not only brand owners, therefore the costs should be borne by all stakeholders.
  • Decision on Third-Party Contractor Should be Open and Transparent- The organization encouraged ICANN to select a contractor with a strong background in trademark protection issues and the process should be done in an open and transparent manner.
  • The URS should be able to Transfer Domain Names, Expedited and Utilize Forms
  • Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (PDDRP)- CADNA suggested the following:
    1. Registry operators should be hold accountable for certain domain name infringements occurrences within their registries.
    2. PDDRP Should Not Unnecessarily Burden Complainant
    3. Expert Panel Decisions Should be Enforce
    4. ICANN Should Set Limits for Cost
  • ICANN Should Combine the Registry Restrictions Dispute Resolution Procedure (RRDRP) and (PDDRP)

CADNA has been open in expressing to ICANN that the new gTLD program was premature and it lacks transparency, however the organization clarified that is not totally against the introduction of new TLD.[6]

References edit