KeyDrive SA is the holding of Key-Systems GmbH (St. Ingbert/ Germany) and the NameDrive Group (Luxemburg/ USA). KeyDrive SA acquired Moniker and SnapNames in January, 2012. Following the acquisition of those companies, the Key-Systems group became the world's sixth largest ICANN-accredited registrar.[1]

Type: Privately Held
Shareholders: is inter-services (66.66%),
BIP Investment Partners (33.33%)
Industry: Registrar, Registry Services
Data Center
Aftermarket Seller,
Brand Protection
Founded: 1998/ 2011
Founder(s): Key-Systems, NameDrive
Country: Luxembourg
Businesses: Key-Systems, NameDrive,
Moniker, SnapNames
Employees: 160+
Key People
Alexander Siffrin, President of the Managing Board; (CEO of Key-Systems Group)
Michael Riedl, Vice-President; (CEO of NameDrive)
Craig Snyder, Vice-President; (CEO of Moniker/ SnapNames)


KeyDrive was formed in July, 2011, through the merger of German registrar Key-Systems with Luxembourgish aftermarket service provider NameDrive. It is headquartered in Luxembourg.[2]
