
Revision as of 18:38, 9 April 2012 by Marie Cabural (talk | contribs)
Status: Active
country: International
Manager: DotCooperation LLC wholly-owned subsidiary of
National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA)
Registry Provider: DynDNS subsidiary of Midcounties Cooperative, Ltd.
Registrations: more than 5000 domain names
Date Implemented: 2001
Type: sTLD
Community: Yes

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.coop is one of the sponsored top-level domain names (sTLD) delegated in the root zone of the domain name system (DNS) of the internet dedicated for the use of cooperatives and cooperative organizations. The National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) is the sponsoring organization responsible in developing and implementing registry policies for .coop domain space and it is committed in using the surplus revenues earned from the registry to develop cooperatives in underdeveloped countries through the Digital Divide Fund. DotCooperation Llc. (dotCoop), a wholly owned subsidiary of NCBA manages the operations of .coop while Midcounties Co-operative provides back-end registry solutions through its subsidiary DyDNS. The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is responsible for the global marketing and outreach of the the .coop sTD. [1]
