Revision as of 23:45, 30 December 2012 by Andrew (talk | contribs)
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New gTLDs to Watch: Select Applications with Top Priority
  • .天主教 - The first TLD in line is a community app from the Catholic Church, translating to .catholic from Hani Chinese
  • .ストア - The application from Amazon with the highest priority, at #3, translating to ".store" from Katakana Japanese
  • .商店 - The largest potfolio applicant, Donuts', first TLD, priority #11, translating to ".store" from Hani Chinese
  • .play - The first non-IDN TLD, priority #109, is from Amazon, it is contested by 3 other applicants
  • .lat - The first non-IDN, non-brand, and non-contested TLD comes from ECOM-LAC, and directed at Latino individuals and organizations. Priority #113
  • .transformers - One of the more obscure and fun Brand TLDs comes from Hasbro, priority #131
  • .green -One of the most visible single string applicants, The DotGreen Community, Inc., beat out the 3 other .green applicants, priority#159
  • .hiv - Another highly visible single string applicant, DotHIV gemeinnütziger e.V., got priority # 160 for their uncontested application
  • .docs - Tech giants Google and Microsoft corporation are contending for .docs, Google got the top draw at #165, Microsoft is at #1282
  • .app - The most contented TLD, .app was first drawn as #209. The application is from Afilias, there are another 12 applicants



Amazon  Radix

Dominios LatinoaméricaRegistry.Africa  

Afilias  Public Interest Registry

 Donuts   FairWinds Partners

SSIG  Allegravita  

NTLDStatsLogo.png Freund & Brackey 



Information on ALL new gTLDs!

New gTLD Program Overview

Historical background, application process, and commentaries.

New gTLD Stats
By the numbers, top applicants, highly contested TLDs, top registry service providers, and geographic breakdowns.

Community Priority Applications
Summaries of applications from all Community applicants, featuring info on their defined community and intended registration policies.

Active TLD Registration Stats